The Care Team is focused on creating sustainable systems of support that are accessible, inclusive, and equitable so students can thrive as they work toward reaching their full potential.
Caring for our students is at the heart of our systems and policies. The Care Team consists of a network of staff from across campus who meet regularly to discuss student concerns and trends on campus. We are here to ensure students are provided with the care and support they deserve when they are facing a challenge or barrier that is having an impact on their success. We support all students at Clark, and our Care Team can provide you with information about resources, support, and referrals.
How can we help?
Our staff are happy to help students navigate and access resources without judgement when in need. We can help:
- Supporting and promoting interventions for students referred to the CARE Team
- Help identify and provide outreach to students experiencing a challenge or struggle
- Meeting with students to identify barriers and develop a support plan
- Connect students to campus resources and additional external partners
- On-going follow up with continued coaching and advocacy
- Assisting students in communicating with faculty around significant circumstances
- Managing the Leave of Absence Process and other status changes
When should I refer someone to the Care Team?
Care referrals are a way for us to proactively identify students who may be experiencing a challenge or concern that is having an impact on their success or well-being. Typically, students referred to the team have shown or expressed some kind of distress or change in behavior, either inside the classroom or in the broader community. We often work with students who may be struggling with stress of the academic year, a change in financial status, an illness or injury, the death of a loved one, the overall transition to college, or other personal concerns.
In short, if you are concerned about a student’s behavior or overall well-being, please submit a referral to the Care Team.
What should I include in the referral?
We encourage you to provide as many details as possible about the individual being referred (name, your relationship to the student) and examples of behavior that cause your concern (observable body language, repeated absences or lack of engagement, decline in performance, changes in character, actions like yelling or threats, and/or things the student may have disclosed or said to you personally). Please include the overall context of the report, whether it was a specific incident that occurred or an overall pattern of behaviors you’ve observed that prompted you to submit a referral. In addition, please include any referrals or advice you may have given to the student.
What can I expect when I submit a Care referral?
All submissions are first reviewed by a member of the Care Case Management Office during university business hours, typically within 1-2 business days. Cases are evaluated for risk and assigned to a member of the Care Network for follow up and further outreach. Higher end cases with elevated risk are escalated to our Behavioral Intervention Team. Students are paired with a member of the community based on the nature of the report (academic, basic needs, housing concerns, wellness), and/or with someone who is likely to have contact with the student already (First Year Success Advisors, Community Directors in Residence Hall, etc.). Once the report has been assigned to a case manager, you will receive an email alerting you that it has been assigned and to whom. If you have any questions or additional information that you think is relevant to the care referral, we encourage you to reach out to the assigned Care Team member and/or submit an additional referral. Please know that active case management is an ongoing process, and the Care Team is limited in the information we are able to share to the reporting party.
Care Referral Form
Faculty and staff are encouraged to complete a Care Referral when they have concerns regarding a student’s behavior, wellness, class attendance, or academic performance. Do not use this form for emergencies. For cases of safety and security, contact University Police at 1-508-793-7575.
Fill Out FormCARE TEAM
Shaich Family Alumni and Student Engagement Center
2nd Floor
950 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01610