Your Network for Success
Clark at your fingertips
Our team works together and with other areas across campus with one goal in mind: your success at Clark. We provide resources to help you stay on course with your academic and personal goals.

Academic Advising Center
Get additional advising or make changes to your major or academic plan.

Athletics & Recreation
With 17 intercollegiate varsity teams and a range of intramural and club sports, there are numerous ways to get involved.

Campus Ambassadors
Request a safety escort, ask for directions, or report a security issue.

Care Team
Have a concern or crisis that’s getting in the way of your success? The Care Team is here for you.

Career Connections Center
Pursue an internship, get job-hunting tips, refine your resume, and connect with professionals in the field.

Clark Navigator
With a group of peers, explore the resources available to you at Clark and in Worcester.

Community Engagement & Volunteering
Get involved in Worcester by helping a local organization or advocating for a cause.

Community Standards
Find out what it means to be a member of Clark’s caring, respectful community.

Counseling & Personal Growth
Take care of your mental health by connecting with a therapist.

Dean of the College Office
Check out the Dean’s List and academic awards, pursue fellowships and scholarships, apply for summer research funding, and more.

Choose from a wide array of dining spots featuring nutritious, global, sustainable food.

Faculty Advising
Your faculty advisor works with you to design an educational program that meets your personal and professional goals.

Family & Friends Weekend
Join your family on campus for special events and activities, athletic games, and opportunities to connect.

Financial Aid
Ask questions and learn how Clark can be more accessible and affordable to you.

First-Year & Transfer Experience
Get to know Clark, from Orientation to Navigator to your First-Year Intensive course.

First-Year Success Advisors
Check in with your advisor to discuss your interests and start planning your path.

Fitness Facilities
Visit the Bickman Fitness Center, Kneller Athletic Center, and pool to stay in shape.

Health Services
Have a health concern? Reach out and make an appointment with Clark’s medical clinic.

Identity, Student Engagement & Access
Connect with your community, find your voice, and pursue your passions.

Learn how to use the residence halls’ laundry equipment and report any problems.

Leaves and Absences
If you decide to go on leave, we’ve got you covered.

Conduct research, meet with a librarian, reserve a study room, or renew a book.

Transition to life at Clark, meet new friends, and get to know campus — together.

Buy a parking permit, take a safety workshop, report a crime, or download the Guardian safety app.

Preprofessional Advising
Prepare for a career in law, health and medicine, or engineering.

Quantitative Skills Center
Untangle the numbers in math, statistics, chemistry, physics, and computer science.

Register for classes, view the academic calendar, check your academic record, or ask a question.

Religion & Spirituality
Connect with others who seek to practice and live by their faith.

Residential Life & Housing
Find your space, meet your people, settle in, and feel right at home.

Strategic Learning Services
Build life skills through individualized study strategies adapted to your style of learning.

Student Accessibility Services
Submit a request for academic and residential accommodations at Clark.

Student Clubs & Organizations
No matter what your interest, find your club — or start your own.

Student Employment
Find a paid job at Clark or in the community, build your skills, and gain experience.

Student Leadership & Programming
Participate in campus traditions, develop as a leader, and engage in co-curricular learning and programming development.

Connect to Clark’s network, get free software, buy a computer, ask a question, print a research poster, and more via Information Technology Services.

The Writing Center
Meet with a consultant and learn how to turn your ideas into well-written essays.

Title IX
Report an incident or pursue training to understand how relationships can be based on mutual care and respect.

Transportation & Parking
Clark provides multiple modes of transportation. Travel or park safely around our campus and Worcester.

Connect with peers who can work with you on time management and other skills.

Wellness Education
Gain lifelong skills and join activities that help you de-stress and stay healthy.