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Welcome to the 2022 Annual Conference
for the Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology

The Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology (SQIP) will hold its annual conference virtually over three days, June 16–18, 2022. The theme of this year’s conference is The Internationalization of Qualitative Psychology, and in the spirit of this theme, we endeavor to engage both new and seasoned participants from a diverse range of countries and backgrounds.

To encourage robust and diverse participation, we are holding each day from 8:00-20:00 specific to different time-zones.

  • Day 1: June 16 is at UTC+9 (Japan / Korea time) View your local time: 8:0020:00
  • Day 2: June 17 is at UTC+2 (Central Europe + Central/Western Africa) View your local time: 8:0020:00
  • Day 3: June 18 is at UTC-5 (Mexico + Central-US/Chicago-Time) View your local time: 8:0020:00
Contact Information

Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology

SQIP logo
  • Michael Bamberg, Professor of Psychology
    SQIP President

  • 1-508-793-7135