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Tuition and Fees

Payment of tuition and fees is expected at the point of registration. New students will not be allowed to register for courses without payment in full.

Per-Semester Fees

  • Undergraduate degree completion program tuition: $2,185 per unit/4-credit course ($546.25 per credit)
  • Materials/Lab fees, if applicable, are noted in the course description

Undergraduate Auditing

Please note that the audit option is not available for all courses and audit status must be declared when registering for a course. The fee for auditing a course is the same as taking the course for credit.

Cash Payments

Clark University is required to file IRS Form 8300 on behalf of all students who pay $10,000 or more in cash within a 12-month period. If a student’s total cash payments for a 12 month period equal or exceed $10,000, the student must bring their passport or current driver’s license to the Cashier’s office when making payment.

Course Withdrawal Refunds

The student must fill out a course withdrawal/drop slip and return it to the Registrar’s Office. Please see the academic calendar for specific dates and refund percentages.

Financial Assistance

Financial assistance is available for undergraduate students (U.S. citizens or permanent residents only) who have matriculated into a degree completion program in the School of Professional Studies. Whether you are full-time (3 unit courses are considered full-time for financial assistance in the School of Professional Studies undergraduate degree completion program) or part-time, if you have a financial need, it is well worth exploring the options. Assistance is available to students with a demonstrated need who show successful advancement toward the completion of a degree and are enrolled at least half-time (2 units) per semester.

Eligibility for Pell Grants is determined by the U.S. Department of Education via the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The student must be working towards his or her first bachelor’s degree. The amount of the grant is based on the number of courses for which the student will register and the calculated Expected Family Contribution (EFC).

Clark’s Office of Financial Assistance will guide you through the process of applying for federal and state aid.

Eligibility is based on financial need. A standard formula is used to determine the difference between your cost of education (including tuition, books and fees) and an amount you can be expected to contribute. Factors such as income and assets are all taken into consideration, as well as any extenuating circumstances.

For more information, please contact the Office of Financial Assistance at 1-508-793-7478.

The School of Professional Studies’ Undergraduate Admissions can provide you with information about scholarships. Please email to inquire.

Friends of School of Professional Studies Undergraduate Scholarship Fund

The Friends of School of Professional Studies Undergraduate Scholarship Fund was initiated by our School of Professional Studies alumni and friends. The personal support of our alumni signifies to us the value they place on their experience at Clark. It also supports our continued commitment to make the education of adult learners both personally enriching and professionally satisfying. Contributions to the School of Professional Studies Undergraduate Scholarship Fund are used only for continuing adult learners in the School of Professional Studies undergraduate degree completion program.

Eligibility is based on financial need. Awards may provide tuition assistance at various levels, not to exceed up to one-half of the cost of four undergraduate or up to one-half of the cost two graduate courses.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Matriculated in a SPS UG degree completion program
  • Enrolled in at least one unit
  • No holds on any account (library fines tuition, registration fees, etc.)
  • No outstanding incomplete grades
  • Demonstrated financial need
  • Minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5

Louis J. Luvisi, Jr. Scholarship

The Louis J. Luvisi, Jr. Scholarship was established to honor a School of Professional Studies undergraduate and member of the Clark Campus Police and is awarded to a SPS undergraduate student of high scholastic ability and character.

Sarah Mazur Goldstein Memorial Scholarship

The Sarah Mazur Goldstein Memorial Scholarship provides scholarship assistance for female students who need financial aid who are enrolled in a degree or certificate program in the University’s School of Professional Studies.  Any recipient shall be eligible to receive this scholarship for multiple semesters or terms.  The scholarship shall offset the cost of tuition, books, and/or student fees for the recipient(s).

Sarah Mazur Goldstein Book Scholarship

The Sarah Mazur Goldstein Book Scholarship provides scholarship assistance for female students who need financial aid who are enrolled in a degree or certificate program in the University’s School of Professional Studies.  Any recipient shall be eligible to receive this scholarship for multiple semesters or terms.  The scholarship shall offset the cost of books and other course materials for the recipient(s).

Thomas J. Dolphin Scholarship

The Thomas Dolphin Scholarship was established to honor a former director of the Clark University Evening College and is awarded to one adult student each year, based upon merit and financial need.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Matriculated in a SPS UG degree completion program
  • Completed a minimum of eight units in SPS UG
  • Minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5
  • Enrolled in at least two courses in the term the scholarship is awarded
  • Demonstrated financial need

Yellow Ribbon Program

For veterans

The Office of Financial Assistance at Clark University is pleased to announce our participation in the Yellow Ribbon Program (YRP) portion of the Post 9/11 Veterans’ Educational Assistance Act of 2008.

The YRP is a partnership between the University and the Veterans’ Administration (VA) to assist eligible students with tuition expenses.  For more information on this program, please visit the VA website.

Student eligibility for this and all VA Education Benefit Programs is determined by the VA. To determine if you are eligible, please contact the VA at: 1-888-GIBILL1 (1-888-442-4551). In general, individuals entitled to the maximum benefit rate (based on service requirements) may receive this funding. Therefore, you may be eligible if:

  • You served an aggregate period of active duty after September 10, 2001, of at least 36 months.
  • You were honorably discharged from active duty for a service connected disability and they served 30 continuous days after September 10, 2001.
  • You are a dependent eligible for Transfer of Entitlement under the Post-9/11 GI Bill based on a veteran’s service under the eligibility criteria listed above.
  • You are making satisfactory academic progress as defined by Clark University.
  • You are enrolled full time or part time.

To apply for this or any VA education benefit, visit the VA website and complete the application form 22-1990; the VA will respond by sending you a Certificate of Eligibility explaining the program(s) for which you are eligible. Forward this certificate of eligibility, along with a copy of the online benefits application form, a copy of your DD-214, and a note indicating the program for which you are applying to:

Office of Financial Assistance 
Clark University
950 Main St.
Worcester, MA 01610

You will receive notification via your Clark University email address when the benefit has been certified.

If you have questions about VA education programs or your eligibility for these programs, please contact the VA at: 1-888-GIBILL1. If you have questions about Clark’s certification process, please the Office of Financial Assistance at: 1-508-793-7478.

Please visit the Office of Financial Assistance for information about interest-free payment plans and loan options.

Third-Party Benefits

The School of Professional Studies accepts tuition reimbursement from Massachusetts Rehabilitation and the Department of Social Services. When registering for a course, students should submit the appropriate completed forms from the reimbursement agency.

Veteran’s Education Program

All credit courses offered by the School of Professional Studies are approved for eligible veterans under the provision of Chapter 38 Veteran’s Administration Education Program. Veterans pay tuition and fees at the time of registration and are reimbursed by the Veteran’s Administration (VA). Veterans eligible for assistance, or who think they may be eligible, should apply to the regional VA office, 1-800-827-1000, before registering for classes.

Employee Reimbursement

Students who will be reimbursed by their employer must pay tuition and fees at the time of registration or make special arrangements with their student account representative.

Contact Information

School of Professional Studies

Office Location
Office Hours
  • 9 a.m. – 6:30 p.m., Monday – Thursday

  • 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Friday