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Our People


  • Laurie Ross

    Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice

    Director, Sustainability and Social Justice

    Laurie Ross brings expertise in developing and supporting long-term community-university partnerships that address the social determinants of youth violence. The intractability of youth violence requires horizontal knowledge and strategy production (i.e. responses that are co-created by individuals and communities affected […]

Program Faculty

  • Denise Humphreys Bebbington

    Research Associate Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice

    Denise Humphreys Bebbington is Research Associate Professor in the Department of Sustainability and Social Justice (formerly IDCE) at Clark University in Massachusetts, USA. She is Co-director of the Center for the Study of Natural Resources Extraction and Society at Clark […]

  • David Bell

    Professor of Practice, Sustainability and Social Justice

    David Bell is an international and comparative educationalist and psychologist who has worked extensively in Southern Africa in the field of education, empowerment, social transformation and community development and program evaluation. Prior to moving to the United States in 1997, […]

  • Ramon Borges-Mendez

    Associate Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice

    Ramón Borges-Méndez, PhD, born in Puerto Rico, has worked in the US, Latin America, and South Asia. He is an Associate Professor of Urban Planning and Community Development at the International Development, Community, and Environment Department at Clark University (Worcester, […]

  • Nigel Brissett

    Associate Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice

    Dr. Brissett's research focuses on how contemporary educational policies impact socio-economic opportunities in "developing" countries, particularly those of the post-colonial Caribbean, as well as other states around the world. His current work analyzes the intersection of neo-liberal principles and post-colonial […]

  • Cynthia Caron

    Associate Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice

    As a development sociologist and practitioner in international development and humanitarian assistance, Cindy Caron's research focuses on gender relations in a variety of contexts: agricultural production, access to land and natural resources, land and natural resource governance, displacement, and reconstruction […]

  • Timothy Downs

    Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice

    Tim Downs is a specialist in environmental science and engineering with over 30 years field experience designing and managing collaborative projects in the UK, the United States, Latin America and Africa. His research focus is on how humans change the […]

  • Anita Fabos

    Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice

    Anita H. Fábos is an anthropologist who studies how people who experience displacement and forced migration think about and organize their mobile lives. She has lived, worked, and conducted research together with diasporic Sudanese Muslims and other forced migrants in […]

  • Jude Fernando

    Associate Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice

    Jude Fernando is completing a book, Political Economy of NGOs: Modernizing Post-modernity, which examines the controversial social roles of micro-credit NGOs in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh and their links to the state, based on his long-term fieldwork in the […]

  • Ellen Foley

    Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice

    Ellen Foley is a medical anthropologist whose research addresses the social production of disease with a focus on how intertwined global, national, and local social forces shape vulnerability to disease, health status, and access to medical care, particularly in sub-Saharan […]

  • Eman Lasheen

    Assistant Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice

    Eman Lasheen is an urban planning lecturer, researcher, and practitioner with more than 10 years of international experience spanning the U.S., Middle East, and Europe. Her research lies at the intersection of international development and climate change planning, with a […]

  • Ken MacLean

    Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice

    Professor, Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

    My research is interdisciplinary in nature reflecting my continued interest in the politics of knowledge production. With a geographic focus mainland Southeast Asia, I concentrate on a number of inter-related topics—from state-sponsored violence and forced migration to the politics of […]

  • Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger

    Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice

    Professor Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger joined the faculty in 2006 after several years of teaching GIS and remote sensing at Mount Holyoke College and Tufts University. She received Ph.D. from Clark University, and B.A./M.A. degrees in Geography with distinction from Moscow State […]

  • Margaret Post

    Research Associate Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice

  • Morgan Ruelle

    Associate Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice

    Morgan Ruelle is an Assistant Professor in the Environmental Science and Policy program in the Department of International Development, Community and Environment. He is interested in how biological and cultural diversity enable communities to anticipate and adapt to change. His […]

Research Faculty

  • Cynthia Enloe

    Research Professor, Sustainability and Social Justice

    Professor Emeritus, Sustainability and Social Justice

    Education Ph.D. December 1967 University of California (Berkeley)M.A. January 1963 University of California (Berkeley)B.A. cum laude, June 1960 Connecticut College (New London) Biography Cynthia Enloe is a Research Professor in the Department of Sustainability and Social Justice at Clark University, and is affiliated […]

  • Robert Goble

    Part-time Instructor, Sustainability and Social Justice


Sharon Hanna

Sharon Hanna

Director of Career Development


Allison Kaplan

Allison Kaplan

Manager of Student Success

Michelle Johnson-Sargent

Michelle Johnson-Sargent

Ast to the Dir for Bdgt & Data