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Yoav Horesh

Artist Statement

In the past few years, the United States has accepted hundreds of thousands of African, Middle Eastern, and Central Asian refugees and asylum seekers to become lawful American citizens and productive members of society. Unfortunately, many of them are experiencing great difficulties in adjusting and relating to their new environment and community.

Margarita (Burundi) 2018, Photograph
Margarita (Burundi), 2018, Photograph
Sidi in His Corn Field 2018, Photograph
Sidi in His Corn Field, 2018, Photograph
Mishaki (Burundi) 2018, Photograph
Mishaki (Burundi), 2018, Photograph

Artist Biography

Born in Jerusalem, Israel, Yoav Horesh has exhibited internationally in galleries and museums in Germany, Italy, Israel, the United States, Sweden, Russia, Hong Kong, Myanmar, and Peru. Yoav’s work has been featured by Amnesty International, as well as in magazines, art journals, and websites across three continents. He has given public lectures and artists talks in art schools, universities, and galleries in the United States, Israel, China, and Europe.

Since 2001, Horesh’s work has been concerned with history, conflict, memory, ethnicity, and multiculturalism. His projects have taken him to the American southwest, Germany, Laos, Israel, the Gaza Strip, Bolivia, Vietnam, Mongolia, and Cambodia; places where history still shapes and influences current events and daily life.