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In addition to these fees, some students may also incur course level fees or other charges.  Current fee schedules can be found on the Tuition and Fees page.

Undergraduate Student Activity & Programming Fee

This fee is charged each Fall and Spring semester to all undergraduate students to support events and activities on campus. View the Undergraduate Student Activity & Programming Fee policy.

Orientation Fee

A one-time orientation fee is charged to all incoming undergraduate students to cover the cost of orientation programs.

Health and Wellness Fee

This fee is charged each Fall and Spring semester to all undergraduate students to develop and maintain campus-wide programs and initiatives that promote and support student well-being.  This fee is not considered health insurance. Students are financially responsible for fee-for-service items such as medical and behavioral health visits, procedures, tests, and medications.  See section below for more information on health insurance requirements.

Student Health Insurance Fee

Per Massachusetts law, Clark University must provide a student health insurance plan. All full-time undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in 1.75 credits or more are charged for student health insurance.  Domestic students may waive this insurance if they are able to provide evidence of comparable coverage under another plan. Once the waiver has been completed, the charge will be offset by a credit on the student’s account.  Please note that it may take one or two days for the health insurance waiver to show on the student’s account.  All international students must be enrolled in the Clark offered insurance and will be auto-enrolled.

International Servicing Fee

This one-time fee is charged to all international undergraduate and graduate students at matriculation.  This fee supports the student visa processing program from enrollment through to the end of their academic program, including a student’s OPT period.

Study Abroad Fee

A one-time application fee is charged to all undergraduate students who apply to study abroad. In addition, there is an administrative fee charged each semester to all undergraduate students who are studying abroad to cover the costs of managing the study abroad program.

Strategic Learning Services Fee

The fee is charged to undergraduate students who opt to enroll in Strategic Learning Services (SLS). SLS offers a holistic track to long-term success by building self-confidence, motivation, and self-reliance through individualized study strategies and by developing your skills and strategies around note-taking, organization, time and stress management, test-taking, and more.

4+1 Accelerated Master’s Degree Program Administrative Fee

This one-time fee is charged at the beginning of the student’s 5th year program as they start their full-time graduate experience. This fee partially finances student support and advising services, lab supplies, and field activities provided by departments over the course of the program.  This fee also supports the costs of administration directly associated with the Accelerated Master’s Degree Program admission procedures.

Graduate Orientation Fee

This one-time fee is charged when a student enrolls and matriculates in a graduate program.  This fee supports new student welcome, orientation and other onboarding events and programs associated at both the department and university level. This fee is assessed to all graduate students including Ph.D., MAT, MPA, MS/MA, MFA programs.  This fee is also assessed to students participating in the 5th year master’s program.

Full-Time Student Services Fee

This fee is charged each full-time semester to graduate students in SOM, SPS and SSJ.  This fee supports career development, career counseling, professional and networking engagement opportunities, and community engagement and development programming in these respective degree programs.

Note: This fee will not be charged to any student matriculated Spring 2024 or prior who were already charged the one-time fee, or to students taking fewer than 3 units.

Graduate Student Council Fees

These fees are assessed each semester to all full-time, campus-based graduate students.  Fully online students are not assessed this fee.  The funds support graduate student council activities at the school or department level.  The elected student officers of each council determine the use of these funds.  Funds are typically used to support student life activities, travel grants (e.g. academic conferences) and other council-sponsored academic programming.

STEM Program Technology Fee

This fee is charged each full-time semester to graduate students in certain STEM designated programs.  These programs are supported by a higher level of technology (both software and hardware) and this fee aids in defraying the added costs associated with those services.  These programs include:  MSGIS, MSCS, MSDA, MSIT, MSBA, MSAA, MSMKA, and MSF.

Prior Learning Fee

There is a one-time prior learning fee charged to students who petition for academic credits counted for prior experience.