Punchout Catalogs
Most catalog shopping in SmartBuy Plus is done using Punchout Catalogs, which are are integrated with the vendor’s own web-based catalog/shopping system. When shopping from a Punchout Catalog, the user is sent to the vendor’s website to add the desired items to their shopping cart. When the user has finished shopping, their shopping cart is then brought back into SmartBuy Plus to complete the ordering process. You can tell if a catalog is a punchout by looking for the the little arrow icon in the upper right hand corner of the white rectangle (see image below – punchout symbol is highlighted in yellow).
Instructions for using Punchout Catalogs:
- From the SmartBuy Plus home page you can view a list of available catalogs in the middle of the screen in the “Catalogs” section. Punchout catalogs are identified by an arrow symbol (see note/image above).
- Select which vendor’s catalog you want to visit by clicking anywhere on the rectangle where the vendor’s name and/or logo is displayed.
- The vendor’s online catalog will be displayed in a separate browser window. If a new browser window does not open, make sure your browser is set to allow pop-up windows from the site.
- Add items to your shopping cart. As with any online shopping experience, each vendor will have their own way of doing things. In general, the process is to search or browse for the item you are looking for. Once you find the item, you indicate the quantity you want to purchase and then add it to your shopping cart.
- Once you have added all the items you want to your cart, follow the vendor’s instructions for proceeding to checkout (again, each vendor will do this differently).
- Instead of checking out using the vendor’s site, your shopping cart will be brought back into SmartBuy Plus’s “Cart View” for you to complete the order.
- Depending on the vendor’s set-up, you may be able to make adjustments to your order, such as changing quantities and deleting items from within SmartBuy Plus’s shopping cart view. If you decide you no longer want an item, please delete it by clicking on the “Remove Line” button instead of changing the quantity to zero. If you set the quantity to zero, it will create an error when sending the order to Banner, resulting in delays placing your order.
Tips for using Punchout Catalogs:
- You can add items from multiple vendors to your SmartBuy Plus shopping cart. This can be helpful in comparing pricing. For example, you could shop for pens in the WB Mason catalog and add them to your shopping cart. You could then also go to the Staples catalog and shop for pens there and add them to your cart. In SmartBuy Plus’s “Cart View” you can then view and compare the pens you selected and remove the more expensive ones (by clicking on “Remove Line” – see above)
- If you don’t see what you are looking for in the online catalog, you can exit it by closing the browser window. You then click on the blue “Cancel Punch-out” button in SmartBuy Plus – located on the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
- You can also place orders with vendors that have Punchout Catalogs using a Purchase Order Request form if you need to order an item that is not contained in their online catalog. You will generally need to obtain a price quote from the vendor’s sales representative before you can do this. A good example is buying furniture from WB Mason. Please contact the Business Manager if you have any questions about how when or how to do this.
- It is recommended that you not include any external notes or attachments for Punchout Catalog orders. Punchout Catalog orders are fulfilled by sending an electronic file to the vendor’s purchasing system, which will complete the order electronically. Any external notes or attachments will create an exception that will slow down the ordering process.
- If you see any pricing errors in the vendor’s catalog, please contact the Business Manager.
Vendor Specific Notes:
- GovConnection can occasionally provide lower pricing if you request a quote from them, especially for costlier items or multiple quantities. To request a quote, add the desired items to your shopping cart from within the GovConnection punchout website. When viewing the GovConnection cart, you can then click on the “Request Quote” button and then exit the punchout catalog. GovConnection will then prepare a quote for the items you have added to the cart and will notify you via email once the quote is ready. You can then go back into the GovConnection website and retrieve the quote. If you want to buy the items listed in the quote, you can then add them to your cart and it will reflect the quoted pricing.
Contact Information
Purchasing Office
Office Location
Purchasing Director
Clark University
950 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01610
office hours
Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.