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Welcome to the Payroll Department

Our primary mission is to ensure employees are paid accurately and on time, with the correct withholdings and deductions, and that the withholdings and deductions are remitted on time. This includes salary payments, tax withholdings, and deductions from paychecks.

We work closely with all the paying departments as well as Human Resources, the Graduate School, Office of Student Employment, and many other offices. We rely on the assistance of payroll contacts in each department. These contacts serve an important role in providing the information needed for paying and serving all employees of Clark University.

Browse our website to find more information about:

  • Time sheets
  • Tax forms
  • Pay dates schedules
  • Other payroll matters

General Payroll Policies

Overview of Payroll Processes

In order for students to be established as employees of the University, the department must submit a hire form to the Office of Student Employment.

In order for faculty, hourly staff, or administrators to be established as employees of the University, a department should contact Human Resources.

Outside vendors and providers of temporary assistance are not paid through payroll, but through the Accounts Payable department. For instructions on outside vendor service compensation, see the policy on check requests.

Tax Regulations

Tax guidelines are available to help employees be aware of tax regulations and their estimated federal and state liabilities. Circular E is the federal tax guide, and Circular M is the state tax guide. Circular E is available at and Circular M is available for download at

All employees, including international employees, must submit a W-4 tax form with their paperwork upon registering as an employee. The W-4 form and the state tax form — M-4 — are available at the Payroll Office. You can also download the W-4 form and the M-4 form and submit them to the Payroll Office.

International students and employees claiming a tax exemption under a tax treaty must submit the 8233 form available at the Payroll Office.  Any taxes withheld prior to receiving treaty benefits cannot be refunded by Clark University.  Funds withheld prior to treaty benefits taking effect can be received by filing a tax return with the IRS for the year the funds were withheld.

Pay Cycles and Pay Stubs

Paystubs are available online via ClarkYOU. Instructions on how to access your electronic paystub can be found at  Payroll Forms, Dates & Instructions.

Pay cycles for all employees occur every other Friday. See Payroll Forms, Dates & Instructions for more information.

If a designated payday falls on a University holiday when banks are closed, then employees will be paid on the last business day before the holiday.

Web Time Entry (WTE) submissions for all hourly employees (undergraduates, graduate students, and non-student employees) should be submitted and approved by noon on the Monday prior to the Friday payday.

The Payroll Office cannot guarantee processing of your electronic timesheet if it is not submitted by the Monday deadline.

Additionally, the Office of Student Employment provides handbooks for students containing similar information on payroll.

Direct Deposit

Direct Deposit is required of all Clark employees — graduate students, undergraduate students, faculty, staff, and administration.

The direct deposit forms for faculty and staff can be found at or in the Payroll Office. Students should contact the Office of Student Employment.  New employees should submit the form with all original paperwork requested to establish an employee record and to complete the official hiring process. Any changes to existing Direct Deposits should be directed to the Payroll Office. It is important that you include a voided check or letter from your bank confirming the routing numbers and bank account information.

The net amount paid will be available in the employee’s bank account on the Friday payday.

One-Time Payroll Hire Form and Request for Payment

In order to better comply with the Department of Labor Wage and Hour Laws, we have designed a new Student Employee Form for one-time payments.  This form will include the hourly rate and number of hours worked to arrive at the total one-time payment to be paid to the student employee.  This will ensure Clark University is meeting the state minimum wage requirement for all employees which is $15.00 per hour. Using this form will still accommodate the desire not to have to do an online timesheet for one-time payments and still record them as hourly employees.

Please note: New employees of the University are required to complete requisite employment forms (e.g. I-9, W-4, M-4, Direct Deposit, etc.) prior to performing any service.  The Department of Homeland Security’s I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification form must be completed and signed no later than the first day of employment and requires two forms of photo identification.  Faculty and staff should contact the Office of Human Resources and Organizational Excellence. Students should contact the Office of Student Employment.

Election of W2 Delivery Options: Electronic or Paper

Clark University is required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to furnish all employees a Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement each calendar year to be used in completing the employee’s annual tax returns. The Form W-2 Tax Statement details the employee’s wages, tax withholding, and other important payroll information for the calendar year.

In previous years, employees received paper copies of Form W-2. Instead of paper copies, Clark University employees may elect to receive their Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statements electronically in the same way bi-weekly pay stubs are accessed — through CUWeb.

Benefits of Electronic Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement
  • Earlier access to the Form W-2 than paper copies.
  • No possibility for a lost, stolen, delayed, or misplaced Form W-2.
  • The Form W-2 is accessed via CUWeb securely using the employee’s Clark credentials (username and password).
  • Worldwide access from any internet connection.
  • Employee has the option to print multiple copies at their convenience.
  • Once consent is given, it remains in force. No annual renewal is required
  • Employee Form W-2 will be available on CUWeb for at least 5 years after its posting date.

The IRS has approved the distribution of Form W-2 in electronic form in lieu of paper.  Employee consent is required in order to initiate this request. Please read the entirety of this notice and log in to your CUWeb account to provide your consent to receive all future W-2 Wage and Tax Statements exclusively in electronic format or elect to receive a paper version.


An employee’s consent is valid for all subsequent tax years unless revoked by the employee, termination of the employee, or the electronic delivery method is no longer supported.

When the Form W-2 is posted to the CUWeb account, an employee will receive notification via his/her Clark email address with the subject line “IMPORTANT TAX RETURN DOCUMENT AVAILABLE.”  The employee can access the form from any computer with internet access.

If consent is not provided, the employee will continue to receive a paper Form W-2.  An employee who chooses to receive his/her Form W-2 online can also receive a paper copy of the W-2 by contacting the Payroll Office at 508-793-7641 or emailing a request to  A request for a paper copy does not withdraw the employee’s consent for electronic delivery of future W-2 statements.

An employee who chooses to receive his/her Form W-2 online can change his/her mind and withdraw consent to online delivery by returning the Online Consent Form and choosing the “No” option.  An employee’s withdrawal of consent will be effective on the date received.  If consent is withdrawn, it will only be effective for those W-2 statements not yet issued.

How to Elect a Delivery Method of Form W-2
  • Login to your CUWeb Account. (
  • Click on Main Menu…1st item on the left-hand side under CU Web.
  • Click on the “Employment Information” Tab.
  • Select “Tax Forms.”
  • Select “W-2 Consent.”
  • Select the “Yes” button to consent to receive your Form W-2 electronically or the “No” button to continue to receive the paper version.
  • Click on the SUBMIT button on the bottom left side of the screen.

If you have any questions or experience problems please contact the payroll staff at

Business and Financial Services at Clark University

Contact Information

Payroll Office

Office Location

Geography Building, 3rd Floor
950 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01510