Kaltura Adoption

Now available to all users in Canvas!
ITS is excited to announce that Clark University will transition to a new video management system, Kaltura.
Kaltura offers a robust, versatile, user-friendly video platform and is a market leader in higher education. Kaltura will provide students, faculty, and staff with the same features that they love about Panopto but with many more benefits, such as:
- Better Canvas integration
- Easier video management
- Enhanced collaboration tools
- Powerful analytics
- A focus on accessibility
Panopto will continue to be available to all faculty and students to use through Spring 2025. Read below for more information.
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- Monday, February 24: 12pm – 1pm
- Wednesday, February 26: 12pm – 1pm
- Friday, February 28: 12pm – 1pm
- Tuesday, March 4: 12pm – 1pm
- Thursday, March 6: 12pm – 1pm
- Monday, March 10: 12pm – 1pm
Spring 2025
- Kaltura available to pilot users in Canvas
- Ongoing training
- Kaltura available to all users in Canvas
- Zoom recordings will be saved to Kaltura and Panopto
- Ongoing training & support to transition from Panopto to Kaltura
Summer 2025
- No new recordings allowed in Panopto
- May 1: Active Panopto content recorded prior to March available in Kaltura
- May 15: Active content recorded in 2025 in Panopto available in Kaltura
- May 31: Panopto no longer available
- May 31: Panopto removed from Canvas
- Ongoing support to transition from Panopto to Kaltura
- Ongoing support to transition from Panopto to Kaltura
- Training available for Fall 2025
Why is Clark moving to Kaltura?
ITS regularly evaluates our technology platforms to ensure students, staff, and faculty have access to the most appropriate tools and to ensure the needs of the community are being met in the most efficient and effective manner.
With support from the Academic Technology Committee, ITS evaluated Panopto, Kaltura, and Canvas Studio, the major vendors in the asynchronous higher-education video platform market. Considering our requirements, Kaltura was the most attractive option from a feature and financial perspective, providing all the functionality currently available in Panopto, a more user-friendly experience, additional features that support our institutional goals, and competitive contract terms.
ITS does not take a migration of this magnitude lightly and understands the effort associated with a technology change. Kaltura is a better choice for Clark and we are committed to supporting the campus to make the transition as smooth and as easy as possible.
What are the benefits of Kaltura?
Kaltura offers a robust, versatile, and user-friendly video platform, and is a market leader for Higher Education and beyond. We believe that Kaltura will provide students, faculty and staff the same features that they love about Panopto, but with many more benefits, such as:
- Better Canvas integration
- Easier video management
- Enhanced collaboration tools
- Powerful analytics
- A focus on accessibility
How can I be part of the Kaltura Pilot?
The pilot is now complete, but Kaltura is available to all users through Canvas.
When will I be able to use Kaltura?
Kaltura will be available in Canvas for all users from February 17, 2025.
Kaltura’s video portal will be available to participating departments in Spring 2025. ITS will be collaborating closely with departments interested in using the video portal. If you would like to learn more, please contact us.
When will Panopto go away?
Panopto will go into “read-only” mode on May 7th, 2025. This means that no new recordings will be saved to Panopto.
Panopto and Panopto videos will be unavailable from May 31st, 2025. Panopto will be removed from Canvas at this time.
What about the videos I have stored in Panopto?
All non-archived videos on Panopto on March 3, 2025 will be migrated to Kaltura by May 2025. Videos recorded on Panopto between March 3, 2025 and May 7, 2025, will be migrated to Kaltura by June 2025.
Links to Panopto videos will change, but ITS will work with all users to make this transition as easy as possible.
We are happy to work with individuals and departments who have archived videos that need to be migrated. Please contact Joanne Dolan for more information on migrating archived videos.
What about all my Panopto links in Canvas?
ATS will provide instructions and support to faculty to help faculty and staff change links in Canvas from Panopto to Kaltura.
What about the Panopto links on the Clark website, and in other locations?
ITS will provide instructions and support departments to change links from Panopto to Kaltura. If you believe your department will need significant support to transition, please contact us so we can create a support plan.
Where will Zoom recordings be saved?
From March 3, 2025 Zoom recordings will be save to both Panopto and Kaltura. From May 7th, Zoom recordings will be available only in Kaltura.
ITS Help Desk
Academic Commons, Plaza Level
- Mon – Thurs: 8 am – 12 am
- Fri: 8 am – 5 pm
- Sat: 12 pm – 5 pm
- Sun: 12 pm – 12 am