Academic Technology Services staff aim to provide you with technology in classrooms and learning spaces on campus that is flexible, easy to use, and reliable. The Academic Technology team would be happy to work with you one-on-one to consult about your classroom technology needs, show you how to use classroom resources, or design learning experiences for students that make use of classroom technologies.
Principles for Designing Teaching and Learning Spaces
In designing and implementing “smart” classrooms and technology-enabled learning spaces at Clark, ITS partners with Physical Plant to implement designs that reinforce four of the five Benchmarks for Effective Educational Practice [1] as noted in the National Survey of Student Engagement data. These Benchmarks include:
If you would like to give us feedback about classrooms or classroom technology, please contact Joanne Dolan.
[1] These principles are freely adapted from: Benchmarks of effective educational practice. National Survey of Student Engagement [.pdf], Retrieved September 12, 2008.