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Clark University Staff meets Hefei University of Technology staff

Building Bridges: Clark University Welcomes Visitors from Hefei University of Technology

By Nico Gareca and the Office of Global Engagement

We at the Office of Global Engagement are proud to foster many relationships with institutions and universities around the world. It is only through international cooperation that we can truly call ourselves global citizens, and we are always happy for the opportunity to build relationships and friendships with our international colleagues. 

On April 4-6, we were proud to host a group from Hefei University of Technology (HFUT), one of Clark’s partner institutes from China. Clark’s and HFUT’s relationship extends back for more than a decade and our cooperative programs include a summer English program for HFUT students to attend courses on Clark’s campus, a “3 + 1 + 1” program where HFUT undergrads are able to complete the final year of their undergraduate degree as visiting students at Clark and afterwards continue for another year for a master’s degree at Clark, and also a transnational program where Clark faculty are sent to teach courses on HFUT campus. One of the purposes of this visit was to explore possibilities for deepening our partnership, including increasing the number of students that interact between our schools, adding to the number of Clark University courses offered at HFUT, and working towards a potential new institute to oversee all our Clark/HFUT activities in a new dual degree program.  

HFUT visitors at a dinner with The Clark U President

Despite the 12-hour jetlag and a surprise snowstorm in Worcester, our HFUT colleagues arrived early Thursday morning to Jonas Clark 208 with smiles on their faces and caffeinated beverages in their hands. Though it was the first in-person meeting for many of the staff, through the communication of emails and video conferencing that led up to this gathering, it felt like a reunion of old friends. Thus began a whirlwind of a two-day journey. While the directors and the deans spent much time deliberating on specifics for our partnership renewal and for a possible dual degree program, some staff members met with librarian Laura Robinson to learn about Jonas and Susan Clark, Robert Goddard, and other greats from Clark’s history. The tour also included samples from the rare book collection, including a book signed by Buzz Aldrin that had been to the moon. Other stops on the tour included the Bloomberg Computer Lab in the School of Management, the classrooms in the Becker School of Design and Technology, and the dining hall in Higgins to for a look at the daily life of a Clarkie. The first night ended with dinner in the President’s house, where the strength of the partnership was on full display. 

HFUT visitors getting lunch.

The second day continued with renewed vigor and continued exploration of future collaborations. It also included a workshop sponsored by the Clark School of Management for the visiting faculty members from HFUT. The day’s events officially ended with final speeches of gratitude and photographs with top representatives from both Universities. As Provost Sebastián Royo eloquently said, “I believe I speak for all of Clark University when I say that we look forward to further collaboration and cooperation in the years to come.” 

We at the Office of Global Engagement certainly agree with this sentiment. Our director, Sarah Lopolito, will fly to Anhui in May to continue conversations and hopefully bring both of our institutions even closer to a final agreement that will benefit all. On behalf of the Office of Global Engagement and to everybody who participated in making this visit such a remarkable success, we heartily thank you and look forward to future collaboration. 亲爱的合肥工业大学的同事们感谢你们光临克拉克大学和我们一起交流学习。我们很期待与你们的下次见面!