Nov. 13-17
The Vital Role of International Education
Stop by the Second Floor Book Display in Goddard Library to browse or borrow materials.
Clark University is proud of our global community, drawing students, faculty, and staff from around the world. During International Education Week, our entire campus community comes together to celebrate.
“Our University embraces the power and wonder of our global community. Our international students thrive and learn, and our scholars bring new knowledge and fresh perspectives to our academic table, energizing our classrooms and labs, our residence halls, and all corners of campus.”
— Provost Sebastián Royo in his message to campus
Nov. 13-17
Stop by the Second Floor Book Display in Goddard Library to browse or borrow materials.
1-3 p.m., Nov. 13
Stop by Red Square to share your story and learn more about the week’s events.
10:25-11:40 a.m., Nov. 14
Join us in Jefferson 218 to learn what it’s like to become a Peace Corps volunteer.
Noon-2 P.M., Nov 14
Stop by the UC table to hear more about the Pachaysana Rehearsing Change, approved program provider
1-3 P.M., NOV. 14
Enjoy a cup of tea in the International Center and learn about study abroad opportunities.
6-8 P.M., NOV. 14
Panel discussion on navigating career paths and life after Clark.
11:00-1:00 P.M., Nov 15
Stop by the Umbra Study Abroad table for a taste of Italy!
1:30-2:30 P.M., NOV 15
Learn all the basics including application deadlines and process, financial aid and academics.
4:30-5:30 P.M., NOV 15
Enjoy tea and chat with study abroad alumna Ksenia about her experience researching while abroad.
7-9 p.m., Nov 15
Grab your team and come to the Grind for an evening of International themed trivia!
Noon-2 p.m., Nov 16
Celebrate food from around the world as we showcase international cuisine from local restaurants!
2-3 P.M., NOV 16
Join us for a conversation (not a lecture) about our experiences in cross-cultural campus dialogue.
Noon-2 p.m., Nov 17
Join Clark Dining Services in Higgins for stations of international street food and desserts.
4-7 p.m., Nov 17
Experience the joy of Diwali and the warmth of Thanksgiving in one festive celebration!
142 Woodland St.
Clark Office of Global Engagement at Corner House
Worcester, MA 01610
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Monday – Friday