- Visiting Scholar
- Email: DNeumark@clarku.edu
Currently living in Iqaluit (in the Eastern Arctic), Devora Neumark, PhD is an interdisciplinary artist, scholar, senior policy analyst, educator and community-engaged practitioner with over 30 years of contemplative practice. Neumark is also a Yale School of Public Health-certified Climate Change Adaptation Practitioner. Neumark was a faculty member in the Goddard College MFA in Interdisciplinary Arts program from July 2003 through May 2021, where they co-founded the Indigenous and Decolonial Art Concentration in Port Townsend, WA. Their Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada’s-funded research-creation PhD titled Radical Beauty for Troubled Times: Involuntary Displacement and the (Un)Making of Home was an inquiry into the relationship between the traumas associated with forced dislocation and the deliberate beautification of home, including the problematics of home related to climate disruption and the continued increase in global climate refugeeism.
Neumark is developing two new bodies of related artwork: one engages wellness and the cultivation of joy as radical practice; the other is focused on environmental trauma and mainstreaming climate justice. They will be starting their three-month Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer (FFVT) Fellowship at the Center for Human Rights Erlangen-Nürnberg (CHREN) in October 2024.