The Integration and Belonging Hub is offering a Guided Internships and Professional Development Program for undergraduate and graduate students interested in working with refugees and other forced migration populations in Worcester and in other parts of the country.
Students accepted to the program may receive assistance in finding an internship placement through the Integration and Belonging Hub or find their own internship. As part of the program, interns will participate in an orientation session, regular group workshops led by practitioners in the field of refugee resettlement on refugee policy in United States and elsewhere, the ethics of care in the refugee service profession, cultural humility, and other relevant topics in social justice, forced migration and integration.
This experience empowers students to identify contributions within forced migrant communities, and to address the issues that impact receiving communities. Students learn the multifaceted realities of working within the social justice and forced migration field of interest. This immersive experience offers essential experiential learning and preparation for careers in humanitarian aid and refugee assistance.
The Integration and Belonging Hub provided internship funding, orientation and ongoing guidance, and additional activities and reflection opportunities for interns participating in the program.
What we offer:
- Assistance with placements with the organizations accredited for refugee work
- Professional development and orientation in the field of refugee work
- Engagement between academic and community partners
- Continuing support during the internship with regular (or as needed) consultation with the internship coordinator
This opportunity is open to all Clark students, including eligible international students
Orientation agenda:
Overview of the formal resettlement process:
- Legal classification of the different types of immigrant status in the USA, distinguishing between forced migration and other migrant categories as per US government policies
- Refugee oversees processing and approvals; UNHCR, USA policies regarding refugee resettlement and other forced migrant persons
- Organizational structure of the domestic USA refugee resettlement networks, including governmental agencies such as MORI, ORR, city human rights divisions, migrant health providers and others
- USA funding structure for refugee resettlement including refugee benefits, and the role of the VOLAG organizations
Overview of domestic resettlement process and requirements:
- Arriving to the USA
- Case Management
- Health and wellbeing
- Housing
- Employment and self-sufficiency requirements
- Education options – school enrolments, adult ESOL and other educational opportunities
Overview of local community-based engagement:
- Cultural orientation
- Volunteer management, confidentiality, and privacy of vulnerable populations
- Community engagement and local practices, public transportation, religion, and access to
worship - Purchasing and other food practices and shopping options
Suggested reading material to promote humanization and understanding of what it means to be a refugee.
Students with a relevant major or program of study, or with previous experience working with refugees or other forced migrants are eligible for the Guided Internship Program at the Integration and Belonging Hub.
Students from refugee and other forced migrant backgrounds are particularly encouraged to apply.
Our intern alumni
Previous interns held IBH-sponsored internships in a range of local community-led refugee/migrant integration organizations including African Community Education (ACE), Advocacy for Refugee and Immigrant Resources for Empowerment (ARISE), Blue Ocean Analytics, International Rescue Committee — NYC office, City of Worcester Office of Human Rights, and Jewish Family Services New Americans Program. Several interns have gone on to jobs at their hosting organization and/or in the field of refugee integration.