Foundational Area of Focus:
Culture and Identity

We will promote Clark to broad and diverse audiences and bolster inclusiveness and identity through shared values, experiences, and traditions.
Clark draws students, faculty, and staff who want to become part of our diverse, global community, comprising people from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences. We all may appreciate and seek to learn from those who do not look like us, but this does not mean that everyone at Clark always feels welcomed.
“No two people here are alike, and that’s a good thing. Don’t just tolerate other perspectives. Hear them.”
Margo Foreman
Vice President and Chief Officer
of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Our community must work to improve the sense of belonging on campus for BIPOC, international, and LGBTQIA+ students, faculty, and staff, as well as those with disabilities. We must re-establish ways and create spaces to bolster identity and affinity through shared values, experiences, and traditions.
As a university that is becoming increasingly heterogeneous, we have an obligation to ensure that everyone feels they belong here — and that they have a place to call home. We need to be cognizant that while we may enjoy coming together as one community, there are many students, faculty, and staff who need additional spaces and experiences to explore mutual concerns and interests, allowing them to thrive at Clark and in the world.