Professor Michaels holds a B.A. from Barnard College (1975), and an M.A. (1976) and Ph.D. (1981) in Education (Language and Literacy) from the University of California, Berkeley.
Prior to coming to Clark in 1990, Michaels served as Director of the Literacies Institute in Newton, MA, funded by the Mellon Foundation. She also directed projects on language and schooling with funding from the Spencer Foundation, Carnegie, and the Department of Education, while serving as a Research Associate and Instructor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She has been the PI or Director of grants and programs (from foundations, state and federal agencies, and private donors). A sociolinguist by training, she has been actively involved in teaching and research in the area of language, culture, "multiliteracies," and the discourses of math and science. She was the founding Director of the Hiatt Center for Urban Education and works to bring together teacher education, educational research on classroom discourse, and district-based efforts at educational reform. She is currently the Senior Research Scholar of the Jacob Hiatt Center for Urban Education. Dr. Michaels is also affiliated with the programs in Communication and Culture and Urban Development and Social Change.
Professor Michaels is currently involved in a variety of research projects which focus on academically productive talk in math, science, and English language arts, from pre-kindergarten through high school. In these projects, she is working on curriculum and professional development so that it focuses central attention on rigorous, coherent, and equitable classroom discourse. As one example of this work, she completed a book for the National Research Council (co-authored with Andy Shouse and Heidi Schweingruber) called Ready, Set, Science!: Putting Research to Work in the K-8 Science Classroom. Michaels is also a co-author of the CD-ROM suite of tools, Accountable Talk: Classroom Conversation that Works (in collaboration with the Institute for Learning at the University of Pittsburgh), which is currently being used in large urban districts throughout the country. In promoting teacher research, she works to support teachers as theorizers, curriculum innovators, and educational leaders who use the tools of ethnography and discourse analysis in generating new and useable knowledge for improving instruction and student learning in their own and others' classrooms.
- Ph.D. in Education (Language and Literacy), University of California, Berkeley, 1981
- M.A. in Education, University of California, Berkeley, 1976
- B.A. in Linguistics, Barnard College, Columbia University, 1975
Affiliated Department(s)
Scholarly and Creative Works
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Supporting the good teacher: The role of agency in teacher education
Chapter: Teacher agency in support of student agency: Defining a new territory of work in science teaching and learningPublished by Bloomsbury
Antiracist Teaching in Higher Education: Transforming Ourselves and our Classrooms through Praxis.
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting
San Diego, CA
Sponsored by American Educational Research Association
Managing the Tensions Between Particularity and Scale in Dialogic Learning
Advancing (Digital) Learning Discourse in Teaching, Teacher Education, and Teachers’ Professional Development
Monte Verità Conference Center, Ascona, Switzerland
Sponsored by Swiss National Science Foundation, Swiss Aebli Näf-Foundation, Congressi Stefano Franscini ETH, Zurich University of Zurich
Learning about Pedagogies of Voice through Poetry Inside Out
Harvard Radcliffe Workshop: Pedagogies of Voice: Reimagining the Role of Languages in Education for a World on the Move
Cambridge, MA
Sponsored by Harvard Radcliffe Institute
Community in Uncertainty: Communities of Praxis in a College Major on Social Justice and Education.
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting
San Diego, CA
Poetry Inside Out as a Pedagogy of Voice
Harvard/Radcliffe Accelerator Private Workshop on “Pedagogies of Voice: Re-imagining the Role of Languages in Education for a World on the Move.”
Harvard Radcliffe Institute
Sponsored by Harvard Graduate School of Education
Community in Uncertainty: Communities of Praxis in a College Major on Social Justice and Education
American Educational Research Association
San Diego, CA
Design, implementation, and evaluation of dialogic classroom talk in early childhood education. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction: Volume 29, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lcsi.2021.100515
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction
Vol. Volume 29
Design, implementation, and evaluation of dialogic classroom talk in early childhood education
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction
Vol. 29
Experiencing resonance: The potential of youth perspectives on dialogic education research.
Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association
Sponsored by American Education Research Association (AERA)
Awards & Grants
Subcontract: NGSX Learning Lab at Clark University
Next Generation Science Exemplar (NGSX) Project
Aug. 31, 2020 - Aug. 31, 2021
Translating Words and Worlds in Poetry Inside Out: Intergenerational Research with Multilingual Youth on Productive Group Talk
Mass Humanities Foundation
Mar. 15, 2019 - Jul. 30, 2021
Translating Words and Worlds in Poetry Inside Out: Intergenerational Research with Multilingual Youth on Productive Group Talk
Mass Humanities
Mar. 15, 2019 - Jul. 15, 2021
Worcester Science Literacy Project
Tidemark Institute -- for NGSX
Aug. 26, 2019 - Aug. 31, 2020
Lifetime Achievement Award for “Distinguished Contributions to Social Contexts in Education Research”
American Educational Research Associate
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