Ora Szekely
Associate Professor, Political Science

Scholarly Interests
Politics of the Middle East; Civil War; Political Violence and Contentious Politics; Gender and Armed Conflict; Field Research Methods
Ora Szekely’s research focuses on the foreign and domestic policies of nonstate armed groups in the Middle East, as well as the gendered dimensions of civil war. Her work is based on field research conducted across the region. Her most recent book, Syria Divided: Patterns of Violence in a Complex Civil War (Columbia University Press, 2023) explores the relationship between conflict narratives and performative violence in the Syrian civil war. She teaches courses on the comparative politics of the Middle East along with courses on identity politics and political violence. She is also affiliated with the programs in Peace and Conflict Studies and Women and Gender Studies.
- Ph.D. in Political Science, McGill University, 2011
- M.A. in Social Sciences, University of Chicago, 2004
Affiliated Department(s)
Scholarly and Creative Works
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Syria Divided: Patterns of Violence in a Complex Civil War
ISBN #9780231205399
Columbia University Press
Syria Divided: Patterns of Violence in a Complex Civil War
Columbia University Press
The Politics of the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Chapter: Female Combatants in the MCUPublished by University Press of Kansas
The Stories from the Field Podcast, Co-Host
COVID-19 and fieldwork: Challenges and solutions
PS: Political Science and Politics
Vol. 54
Issue #2
Stories from the Field: A Guide to Navigating Fieldwork in Political Science
Columbia University Press
Doing Good While Killing: Why some insurgent groups provide community services
Terrorism and Political Violence
Exceptional Inclusion: Understanding the PKK’s Gender Policy
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism
Insurget Women: Female Combatants in Civil Wars
Georgetown University Press
The Politics of Militant Group Survival in the Middle East: Resources, Relationships, and Resistance
Palgrave Macmillan