Jim Murphy’s research elucidates the structures, agencies, relationalities, and spatialities shaping contemporary economic geographies and examines the prospects for more just, sustainable, and resilient forms of development in the Global South (esp. Africa). This work draws on concepts, theories, and epistemologies from a variety of fields including: economic geography, development studies, sociology, science and technology studies (STS), urban geography, and sustainable development research. Broadly considered, his research contributes to three areas of scholarship: 1) Relational economic geographies of industrial change and socioeconomic development; 2) Geographies of socio-technical systems and sustainability transitions; and 3) The development of innovative conceptual frameworks, concepts, and epistemologies that advance understandings of socio-spatial and socioeconomic phenomena. In addition, as the Editor-in-Chief (since 2014) of Economic Geography he has provided support for diverse research agendas and played a significant role in developing, promoting, expanding, and strengthening the field.
Dr. Murphy joined the faculty as Assistant Professor in 2005. He received his Ph.D. in geography from the University of Florida in 2001, holds an M.A. degree in environmental policy from Tufts University, and has a B.S. degree in chemical engineering from Rutgers University. Prior to beginning his graduate studies, he designed and managed pollution abatement projects in the private sector and served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Malawi.
- Ph.D. in Geography, minor in Political Economy, University of Florida, 2001
- M.A. in Environmental Policy, Tufts University, 1997
- B.S. in Chemical Engineering, Rutgers University, 1987
Affiliated Department(s)
Scholarly and Creative Works
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Handbook of African Economic Development
Chapter: Foreign investment and aid in Africa: History, trends, theories, and prospectsPublished by Edward Elgar
Handbook of African Economic Development
Chapter: African economic development: Challenges and successes (a look at the data)Published by Edward Elgar
Handbook of African Economic Development
Chapter: Development theories, perspectives, and debates with a focus on AfricaPublished by Edward Elgar
Handbook of African Economic Development
Chapter: Introduction to the Handbook of African Economic DevelopmentPublished by Edward Elgar
Research Handbook on the Green Economy
Chapter: Green economies in the Global SouthPublished by Edward Elgar
The Handbook of African Economic Development
ISBN #97818088579
Edward Elgar
Structural tensions limiting success of infrastructure upgrading: A multi-regime perspective
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
Vol. 48
The urban question in Africa: Uneven geographies of transition
RGS-IBG Book Series
ISBN #978-1-119-83364-2
John Wiley and Sons
ZFW – Advances in Economic Geography
Vol. 66
Issue #1
Chinese neoglobalization in East Africa: Logics, couplings, and impacts
Space and Polity
Vol. 26
Issue #1
Awards & Grants
National Science Foundation, Human-Environment and Geographical Sciences Program
Feb. 15, 2023 - Jan. 31, 2024
Governing Sustainability through Place-Making: Ecodistricts in the Pittsburgh Metro Region
National Science Foundation, Geography and Spatial Science Program
Apr. 1, 2020 - Jul. 26, 2022
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