Fei Fang
Assistant Professor, School of Business

Scholarly Interests
Sustainable Investing, Low-Carbon Investing, Circular Economy, Empirical Asset Pricing, Options, Volatility Risk, Jump Risk
Dr. Fei Fang is an assistant professor of finance in the School of Management at Clark University. She received her Ph.D. in finance from the Isenberg School of Management at UMass Amherst. Dr. Fang’s research interests lie in the areas of sustainable investing, low-carbon investing, circular economy, empirical asset pricing, options, and volatility risk. Her research focuses on asset price mechanisms and the impact of sustainability on mutual funds and options, with an aim to deepen our understanding of how capital market functions. Her research work has been published in journals including Critical Finance Review, International Review of Financial Analysis, etc. Dr. Fang’s teaching interests include investments, options, risk management, etc.
- Ph.D. in Finance, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2019
- M.A. in Economics, State University of New York, Buffalo, 2012
- M.A. in International Economics, Nankai University, 2010
- B.A. in International Economics and Trade, Nankai University, 2008
Affiliated Department(s)
- School of Business
Scholarly and Creative Works
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Climate Policy Regime Change and Mutual Fund Flows: Insights from the 2020 US Election
International Review of Financial Analysis
Vol. 96
Why Do Insiders Sell Stocks After Receiving Options?
Applied Economics
Private Financing and the Circular Economy
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Vol. 205
Assessing the Circular Economy Funds: Performance, Fees, Risks, and Sustainability
International Journal of Financial Studies
Vol. 12
Issue #2
Sustainable Mutual Fund Performance and Flow in the Recent Years Through the COVID-19 Pandemic
The International Review of Financial Analysis
Vol. 84
Stock Return Autocorrelation and Individual Equity Option Prices
Journal of Business Theory and Practice
Vol. 9
Issue #1
Critical Finance Review
Vol. 8
Issue #1-2
Awards & Grants
Faculty Development Fund Award
Clark University