Dr. Cuberes received a B.A. from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain) in 1998, a Master in Economics and Finance from CEMFI (Madrid, Spain) and an M.A. and Ph.D. in 2001 and 2005, respectively, from the University of Chicago. He has done research and taught at Clemson University, Royal Holloway (UK), Universidad de Aliante (Spain), and the University of Sheffield (UK). He has been at Clark since 2015.
Dr. Cuberes is a consultant for the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Inter-American Development Bank. He is also a member of the Urban Economics Association.
Dr. Cuberes' research focuses on urban economics and economic growth. In the field of urban economics, his research has analyzed the process of city growth across countries, including the importance of first-nature forces and productivity shocks in the creation and growth of cities, and how the presence of large cities and banks affect this process. He has also studied the effects of wars on urban population and the factors that explain household location within a city. He is currently working on the impact of the canal network on the U.S. economy and on the determinants of where capital cities are located within a country. The main topic he has worked on in the field economic growth is the aggregate effects of gender inequality. He has also published papers on the link between democracy and growth volatility and on the demographic transition.
- Ph.D. in Economics, University of Chicago, 2005
- M.A. in Economics, University of Chicago, 2001
- M.A. in Economics and Finance, CEMFI, 2000
- B.A. in Economics, , 1998
Affiliated Department(s)
Scholarly and Creative Works
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El impacto de los caballos en las naciones nativo americanas
“The Impact of Horse Adoption on Native American Nations.”
MIT Center for Real Estate Research Seminar.
“The Impact of Horse Adoption on Native American Nations.”
Goddard Library Works-in-Progress Series event, Clark University.
“The Impact of Horse Adoption on Native Americans.”
Newcastle University Business School, Newcastle, UK.
“The Impact of Horse Adoption on Native Americans.”
Seminar at University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK.
The Aggregate Gains of Eliminating Gender and Ethnic Gaps in the Malaysian Labor Market.
Journal of Asian Economics
Vol. 28
The Aggregate Gains of Eliminating Gender and Ethnic Gaps in the Malaysian Labor Market.
Journal of Asian Economics.
Firm size, Selection, and Entrepreneurship Gender Gaps in Chile.
Latin American Economic Review
Políticas de redistribución espacial y regeneración urbana.
Presupuesto y Gasto Público.Instituto de Estudios Fiscales.
"El origen y crecimiento de las ciudades.” in “Ciudades: luces y sombras de un mundo cada vez más urbano.
Panorama Social
Concentración de la población y crecimiento económico
Papeles de Economía Española
“Productivity Shocks and Path Dependence in 20th Century Urbanization: the Case of Oklahoma”
Cliometrica, Dublin.
“Urban Accounting and Welfare in Spain.”
North American Urban Economic Association Meetings, Toronto.
“The Birth and Persistence of Cities: Evidence from the Oklahoma’s First Fifty Years of Urban Growth”
George Mason University
The Birth and Persistence of Cities: Evidence from the Oklahoma’s First Fifty Years of Urban Growth
Urban Economics Association Meetings
The Birth and Persistence of Cities: Evidence from the Oklahoma’s First Fifty Years of Urban Growth
Brown University
The Birth and Persistence of Cities: Evidence from the Oklahoma’s First Fifty Years of Urban Growth
The Birth and Persistence of Cities: Evidence from the Oklahoma’s First Fifty Years of Urban Growth
University Autonoma of Barcelona (Spain)
The Birth and Persistence of Cities: Evidence from the Oklahoma’s First Fifty Years of Urban Growth
University of Connecticut
The Birth and Persistence of Cities: Evidence from the Oklahoma’s First Fifty Years of Urban Growth
University of Trier, Germany
Entrepreneurship Gender Gaps in Chile
Latin America Economic Review
Gender gaps in entrepreneurship and their macroeconomic effects in Latin America
Journal of Human Capital
The Aggregate Gains of Eliminating Gender and Ethnic Gaps in the Malaysian Labor Market
Journal of Southeast Asian Economies
Urban Growth Shadows
Journal of Urban Economics
Urban Growth Shadows
Journal of Urban Economics
Understanding Recent Growth Dynamics in Small Urban Places: The Case of New England.”
City and Communities
Equilibrium and Optimal Fertility with Increasing Returns to Population and Endogenous Mortality.
Journal of Demographic Economics
Awards & Grants
What makes downtowns thrive?
Urban Faculty Fellowship. $10,000.
Apr. 24, 2024 - Apr. 18, 2025
How does talent misallocation between men and women in the labor market affect a country’s aggregate productivity?
Faculty Research Fund, Clark University
Feb. 23, 2022 - May. 31, 2023
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