Professor Kudrolli received a B. Tech. in engineering physics from the Indian Institute of Technology in Bombay in 1990 and a Ph.D. in physics (electromagnetic and microwave chao) with S. Sridhar from Northeastern University in 1995. He has been at Clark since 1997.
His background includes a post-doc in nonlinear physics and pattern formation with Jerry Gollub at Haverford College.
Professor Kudrolli does experiments on a broad range of non-equilibrium phenomena, granular materials, and biological physics. Topics of recent experiments include grain shape and dynamics, scaled-up ciliary flow and synchronization, crumpling, self-assembly, erosion geomorphology, and population dynamics in bacterial colonies. He has recently developed an undergraduate continuum mechanics course combining fluid dynamics and biomechanics, and an activity based introductory physics course. Visit the complex matter and nonlinear physics laboratory page for more information on current research activities.
Professor Kudrolli has been named an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow by the Sloan Foundation, and is a recipient of a Research Innovation Award from Research Corporation and a CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation. His research is currently funded by the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy.
- Ph.D. in Physics, Northeastern University, 1996
- Bachelor of Technology in Engineering Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, 1990
Affiliated Department(s)
Scholarly and Creative Works
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Bendability parameter for twisted ribbons to describe longitudinal wrinkling and delineate the near-threshold regime
Phys. Rev. E
Vol. 109
Energetics of twisted elastic filament pairs
Phys. Rev. E
Vol. 109
Dynamics of magnetoelastic robots in water-saturated granular beds
Phys. Rev. Fluids
Vol. 8
Dissolution-driven propulsion of floating solids
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Vol. 120
Density Mediated Spin Correlations Drive Edge to Bulk Flow Transition in Active Chiral Matter
Physical Review E
Vol. 108
Particle kinetics and collective dynamics in chiral gasses, fluids, and crystals
APS March Meeting
Alcove formation in dissolving cliffs driven by density inversion instability
Physics of Fluids
Vol. 34
Issue #ja
Nonadditive drag of tandem rods drafting in granular sediments
Phys. Rev. E
Vol. 105
Tensional twist-folding of sheets into multilayered scrolled yarns
Science Advances
Vol. 8
Issue #14
Predicting Erosion Channel First Passage with Machine Learning
Sponsored by American Physical Society
Awards & Grants
Intruder dynamics in fluid saturated granular medium
Jul. 15, 2018 - May. 31, 2023
Clark Science-Math Teaching and Education Partnership (C-STEP)
Sep. 15, 2013 - Dec. 31, 2022
2. Internal erosion, particle transport, and channelization driven by fluid flow
Jan. 1, 2018 - Dec. 31, 2021
Folding, crumpling and entangling of sheets and filaments
Jun. 1, 2020
5. RAPID: Predicting Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Impact with Multiscale Contact and Transmission Mitigation
Jun. 1, 2020
APS Outstanding Referee
American Physical Society
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