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mountain in the clouds with a car stuck in a tree nearby
Seward, Alaska 2015 by Frank Armstrong


We regret to announce that this event has been canceled due to unexpected circumstances.
Fitchburg Art Museum hopes to reschedule the conversation café with Frank Armstrong at a later date, and
we will announce future plans as they evolve.
We appreciate your understanding and your continued support of Frank’s work.


American Roadsides: Frank Armstrong’s Photographic Legacy
A Conversation Café and Gallery Visit 
Friday, April 1 at 2 pm
Fitchburg Art Museum
185 Elm Street, Fitchburg, MA 01420

Frank Armstrong will discuss American Roadsides: Frank Armstrong’s Photographic Legacy, which will be on display at the Fitchburg Art Museum from February 12 to June 5, 2022. The exhibition features recent photography work by Armstrong and his former students: Russell Banks, Sarah Bilotta Belclaire, Rachel Loischild, Greer Muldowney, Jasper Muse, Eric Nichols, and Catherine Wilcox-Titus.

Admission to this event is open to the public. Members of the Clark campus community who identify themselves at the front desk upon entry can attend the event for free.

Please note: Masks are required in the galleries for all visitors over the age of 5. These policies are subject to change before the event date.

Free bus transportation is available to current Clark students, faculty, and staff, but spots are limited. Reservations are required. To book a seat, click here.

This event is proudly co-sponsored by the Higgins School of Humanities and ClarkArts at Clark University in partnership with the Fitchburg Art Museum. The exhibition is supported in part by the Simonds Lecture Fund and a grant from the Artist’s Resource Trust.

Click here for information on Part 1 of Celebrating Frank Armstrong.