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Understanding Requirements for IRB Approval and Exemption Under the Revised Common Rule: How to (Without Frustration) Compose a Successful Protocol for Human Subjects Research

Robert J. Johnston (Director, GPMI and Chair, Clark University’s IRB)
Linda Cote (IRB Administrator at Clark University)

Institutional Review Board (IRB) review is required by federal law to ensure that research activities protect the rights and welfare of human subjects, but can also be a source of frustration for researchers. This frustration can be minimized through improved understanding of (1) the federal regulations and guidelines that govern IRB review and (2) red flags that lead to heightened IRB scrutiny. This presentation outlines strategies that can be used by faculty and students to ease the burden of IRB review. Emphasis will be given to common research procedures such as interviews, surveys, focus groups, benign behavioral experiments, and community-based participatory research. Time will be allowed for Q&A to address questions and concerns related to IRB procedures. This seminar is open to all in the Clark community, including faculty, students and staff.