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Global Geographies of Weather Modification in an Era of Climate Change

Despite the importance of weather modification in the context of climate change, it has not attracted much recent attention from social scientists. Emily Yeh will provide a wide-ranging and hopefully fun overview of weather modification in the US, China, and the United Arab Emirates through a geographical lens.

Walk It Out Wednesday

Come be a part of the walking group hosted by Wellness Education!

Clark University’s “Just In Time, All Majors Career Fair” [In-Person]

The Career Connections Center invites you to attend the Spring 2024 Just In Time, All Majors Career Fair on Wednesday, March 20th, from 12:00 - 3:00 PM in Tilton Hall, Higgins University Center. Meet 40+ employers hiring for their job and internship opportunities! Participating organizations include: Aflac, Beacon ABA Services, City of Worcester, City Year, […]

Clark Collective Popup at Red Square

Come see your favorite Clark student business vendors at the Clark Collective pop-up at Red Square! Check email, E&I and Clark Collective for weather updates. If you are interested in […]