HHC Show
Atwood Hall - Daniel's TheaterThis is a preemptive booking for the end of season HHC show.
This is a preemptive booking for the end of season HHC show.
Join a group zumba class - a high energy dance fitness program.
A day of learning taught by Clark Students for local Worcester youth!
Join LASO's community liaison's latest project, "Taste the Woo."
Join us for an afternoon of fun including lots of yummy treats and arts and crafts.
Have you ever painted along to a Bob Ross video, and/or would you like to? Come by on Mondays to the Craft Studio to paint some Bob Ross directed paintings with Renee!
Clark University is proud of our global community, drawing students, faculty, and staff from around the world. During International Education Week, our entire campus community comes together to celebrate.
Do you want to throw clay on the wheel, but aren't sure where to start?
Join ClarkU Hillel for a six-week Jewish learning fellowship to explore Jewish values, connect with Jewish students, and learn in a vibrant community.
Have you ever wanted to donate blood?