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Are immigrants aware of lead? Assessing knowledge and potential exposure of Chinese immigrants in Worcester, MA

Weinan Zhao is a postgraduate studying Environmental Science and Policy. Wei is working with Dr. Morgan Ruelle and Dr. David Bell of Clark's Department of Sustainable and Social Justice(SSJ) to analyze Chinese immigrants' knowledge and experience about lead exposure in Worcester, MA. The purpose of this research is to explore lead poisoning among Chinese immigrants in Worcester, Massachusetts and its impact on health and equity.

SPS Picnic

Unwind during these last few weeks of school at the SPS Picnic. Grab a blanket, friends, snacks, and come enjoy! We will have pizza, drinks, lawn games, music, and a […]

Weekly Community Fun Run

Join us every week for an invigorating group run (one/two/three miles) that is perfect for your pace. Whether you are aiming for a leisurely jog, a brisk walk, or some speedy sprints, there is a place for you in our pack.

Walk It Out Wednesday

Come be a part of the walking group hosted by Wellness Education!

Open Office Hours with Dean K.

Join Dean K. for open office hours to discuss how the Division of Student Success or Clark University can support your success.

Graduate Student Town Hall – Campus Climate Results

Join the Office of Diversity and Inclusion as we go through the key themes from the Campus Climate Survey data. The session will be held via Zoom and there will be time for Q&A at the end. Please contact with any questions. We look forward to seeing you there!