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Global Geographies of Weather Modification in an Era of Climate Change

Despite the importance of weather modification in the context of climate change, it has not attracted much recent attention from social scientists. Emily Yeh will provide a wide-ranging and hopefully fun overview of weather modification in the US, China, and the United Arab Emirates through a geographical lens.

The Challenge of Managing Guyana’s Oil and Gas Industry

Extractives@Clark presents a talk by Dr. Lomarsh Roopnarine, professor of Latin American and Caribbean jistory at Jackson State University, who has been researching the contentious development of one of the most important new oil fields in the Western Hemisphere.

Geography Colloquium: Mimi Sheller, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Climate Change and Mobility Justice: The Kinopolitics of Climate Coloniality In this talk, Dr. Sheller will discuss what reactive border closures, wall building, and de-nationalization of undocumented populations around the […]

Putting Science on the Map

Greg Fiske of the Woodwell Climate Research Center will explore commonly used tools and techniques for making beautiful maps, as well as share challenges, success stories, and failures he has faced over 20 years of making maps for Woods Hole scientists.

Colloquium Speaker Series: Zhe Zhu

“Connecting the dots” in a changing planet Remote sensing data are noisy, which makes land change detection challenging, particularly for changes that are subtle, gradual, or transient. By connecting the dense time series observation “dots”, we can better model the land surface characteristics, and therefore, detect and attribute land changes that are usually “invisible” in […]

University Park Farmers Market

Right across from the Clark campus, the University Park Farmers Market hosts local farmers and vendors each week. You’ll find fresh and local produce, meats, and more, plus fun family activities.

University Park Farmers Market

Right across from the Clark campus, the University Park Farmers Market hosts local farmers and vendors each week. You’ll find fresh and local produce, meats, and more, plus fun family activities.