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Diwali and Thanksgiving Celebration

Dolan Field House

Celebrate the warmth of Diwali and the gratitude of Thanksgiving in one joyous event!

Sponsored by: School of Professional Studies

ClarkU Hillel Weekly Shabbat Services & Dinner

Shabbat is the Jewish Sabbath, which takes place from Friday evening through Saturday evening. Come for just the services, just the dinner, or both!

Wheel With Joshua

Craft Studio

Do you want to throw clay on the wheel, but aren't sure where to start? Come to Josh's Wheel Workshop on Mondays to get the rundown! Once you've been to a wheel workshop, you can come to the Craft Studio anytime to put what you've learned to practice!

Sponsored by: Craft Studio

Drawing with Carter

Craft Studio

Want to refine your drawing skills, or just draw with and around other fellow creatives? Come to Carter's drawing workshop!

Sponsored by: Craft Studio

Bob Ross Painting with Renee

Craft Studio

Have you ever painted along to a Bob Ross video, and/or would you like to? Come by on Mondays to the Craft Studio to paint some Bob Ross directed paintings with Renee!

Sponsored by: Craft Studio

Financial Literacy Exploration

McCann Resource Room (1st Floor Dana Commons)

This workshop is focused on increasing students' level of financial literacy through learning important financial terminology, how to manage a budget for everyday and long-term expenses, understanding the difference between savings accounts and checking accounts, and credit vs. debt.

Sponsored by: Identity, Student Engagement, and Access

Chowder Fest

English House

The English Department cordially invites you to Chowder Fest!

Sponsored by: First Year & Sophomore Experience

Wheel With Zoë

Craft Studio

Do you want to throw clay on the wheel, but aren't sure where to start?

Sponsored by: Craft Studio