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Geography Speaker: Wiranta Ginting, Asia Floor Wage Alliance

Building Worker's Power: Asia Floor Wage Alliance Wiranta Ginting is an organizer and labor rights educator, who has worked with trade unions, small grassroots NGOs and worker-led organizing programs in South-East Asia for twenty years. He leads workplace and community campaigns for decent work and living wages in global fashion supply chains. Currently, he is […]

Geography Speaker: Adam Kader, Arise Chicago Worker Center

Building Worker's Power: Workers' Centers and the Future of the Labor Movement Arise Chicago partners with workers and faith communities to fight workplace injustice through education, organizing, and advocating for public policy changes. Adam Kader served as Arise Chicago's Worker Center Director for 14 years before becoming Public Policy Director in 2021. Before joining Arise […]

Geography Speaker: Jennifer Taylor, The Brooklyn Strategist

Building worker’s power: Workers united at Brooklyn Strategist  Jennifer Taylor is a worker-organizer at the board game cafe Brooklyn Strategist. In late 2023, workers at Brooklyn Strategist joined those at three Hex & Co. locations as well as Uncommons to successfully demand union recognition. All of these workers have affiliated with Workers' United, the union […]

Innovation in Action Speaker Series: Robert Bench

The Innovation in Action Speaker Series presents a talk by Robert Bench, senior advisor at the MIT Media Lab’s Digital Currency Initiative and former vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.

Massachusetts Broadcast Association presents: Careers in Radio & Television (Meet Executives at Cumulus Media and NBCUniversal!)

Interested in careers in radio & television? Meet industry experts Bob Goodell, Regional VP at Cumulus Media and Chris Wayland, President and GM, Regional Sports Networks, at NBCUniversal Media. Our speakers will provide an overview of the radio and television industry, and valuable insight into their current and previous roles. Learn how to adapt to […]

Social Media for Personal Branding, with Bob Cargill

Grace Conference Room

Join Clark's American Marketing Association (AMA) and Beta Alpha Psi (BAP) clubs for an inspiring session on Social Media for Personal Branding with Bob Cargill, former President of AMA Boston! […]

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