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Geography Speaker: Wiranta Ginting, Asia Floor Wage Alliance

Building Worker's Power: Asia Floor Wage Alliance Wiranta Ginting is an organizer and labor rights educator, who has worked with trade unions, small grassroots NGOs and worker-led organizing programs in South-East Asia for twenty years. He leads workplace and community campaigns for decent work and living wages in global fashion supply chains. Currently, he is […]

Welcome to Pivot-RP: An In-Person Workshop

The Office of Sponsored Programs and Research, and the Goddard Library invite you to attend this in-person and hands-on workshop to introduce you to Pivot-RP, a ProQuest database to assist […]

Funding Database Workshops: Pivot-RP

The Office of Sponsored Programs and Research (OSPR), and the Goddard Library invite you to attend one of two workshop to introduce you to Pivot-RP, a ProQuest database to assist […]

Teaching with AI in the Humanities: Talking About Practice

Calling all Clark University Faculty: Chances are that you have been thinking about your teaching, student work, and ChatGPT – software powered by artificial intelligence. Though still a rapidly developing […]

Sponsored by: Clark Tank Venture Development Semi Finals

Gallery Talk – Applied Motion Studies: Artists and Scientists Consider Movement

Join the Higgins School of Humanities on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 10am for a gallery talk celebrating the opening of a video exhibition titled, "Applied Motion Studies: Artists and Scientists Consider Movement," in the Higgins Lounge at Dana Commons on the Clark University campus.

Managing Your Student Loan Debt Workshop

This session is designed to provide current updates for borrowers to reduce confusion in the ever-changing student loan landscape. In this session, students will gain a better understanding of Federal […]

SOM Seminar: “Venture Capital 101” with alumnus Howard Goldstein

STUDENTS! Join Clark alumnus Howard Goldstein for a fantastic seminar on venture capitalism.  What is venture capital? How, why and where is it utilized? Who provides it and what do they expect when investing? Who needs it and what are the trade offs in exchange for getting it? Howard Goldstein is the Managing Partner of […]