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The Future of Video Games: Race, Play, and the Speculative Imagination

  In this talk, which is written as a love letter, Professor TreaAndrea M. Russworm (she/her) from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst examines different modalities of Black cultural life—hip hop, Blaxploitation film, popular fiction, and simulation games—as spatial-speculative tools for playing in a broken world. What can Black speculative thinking teach us about navigating the […]

Citation 101 Workshop

Join the American Language and Culture Institute (ALCI) for a Citation 101 workshop in Atwood 302!

Summer Game Studio

Summer Game Studio offers high school students the opportunity to dive into the gaming industry. This two-week residential program allows students ages 14 to 18 to live, learn, and play games together.

Faculty webinar: Teaching with Cases

The School of Professional Studies and Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning invite Clark faculty to the second session of the Summer 2022 Faculty Professional Development Webinar Series.

Computer Science Ice Cream Social

The Department of Computer Science invites students to learn about the department, hang out with each other, and enjoy some ice cream!