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Career Exploration Weeks: Health Professions & Life Sciences

Open to all majors and class years, this week offers students the opportunity to explore career paths in medicine, biotechnology, life sciences, and more. Meet employers and connect with alumni […]

Bring Your Own Lunch English Conversation Table

ALCI Lounge, Jonas Clark 208

Come by the ALCI Lounge (Jonas Clark 208) between 12 and 1 o’clock to have lunch with fellow students and staff, and practice speaking English. Though you have to bring […]

From Memories to the Table: My Pontic Greek Family Journey


A live cooking demonstration with Chef Panos Karafoulidis from Thessaloniki, Greece, where Clark students participated in the "Food, Migration, and Belonging in Thessaloniki" summer study abroad program.

Post-Election 2024: Future Focus Dialogue

Dana Commons - Fireside Lounge

Join the Office of Diversity and Inclusion for a post-election “Future Focus Dialogue” session.

GALA 2025 General Interest Meeting

Jefferson 218

General Interest Meeting for anyone interested in participating in Gala 2025 in any capacity. Information will be provided on timeline for directors, performers, and volunteers. 

Featured Featured

Songs of Peace

Clark University, Tilton Hall, Higgins University Center - 2nd Floor 950 Main Street, Worcester

The second “Songs of Peace” event will feature performers of varying religious and cultural backgrounds together as they showcase their renditions of how peace and reconciliation can be translated through song, words, and dance.

Latines Out Loud! (LOL!) Affinity Space Meeting

Dana Commons - Fireside Lounge

An affinity space that encourages Latine-identifying individuals to share and explore their identities at Clark.

Bending Your Gender with Makeup!

ASEC 304

Ever wanted to cosplay a character outside your gender? Are you interested in trying out drag? If so, makeup might help to sell the illusion!

Bring Your Own Lunch English Conversation Table

ALCI Lounge, Jonas Clark 208

Come by the ALCI Lounge (Jonas Clark 208) between 12 and 1 o’clock to have lunch with fellow students and staff, and practice speaking English. Though you have to bring […]