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Health Connector for Business offers quality, affordable health insurance options to help small businesses (with 1-50 full-time employees) save on their premium costs. This information session will focus on health insurance options available to small employers and their employees through Health Connector for Business at www.MAhealthconnector.org/business. We’ll also review available options for sole proprietors and owner-only groups who do not yet have the employees to qualify for a small group plan through the Health Connector for Business. The agenda includes:
•Coverage options for small employers through Health Connector for Business
•Flexible Employee Choice models
•Exclusive cost-saving benefits through the Health Connector for Business such as the ConnectWell rebate program and the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit
•Health insurance options for sole proprietors and owner-only groups not eligible for small group coverage
Associate Director of Public Outreach and Education
Massachusetts Health Connector
Chaitra Sanders
Associate Director of Health Connector for Business
Massachusetts Health Connector