Prepare a list of the law schools in which you are interested, using the materials on the prelaw reading list. Fill out a Request for Information Card contained in the Law Services booklet for each school.
Do not mail the cards until August since most law schools do not have their application materials ready until September. Be sure, though, that you do mail the cards before returning to Clark for your senior year.
- If you take the June LSAT, and are unhappy with your performance on that exam, study all summer. Be sure to register for the September/October test date using the forms available in the Law Services booklet.
- Summer is the time to visit each law school of interest and to talk with an admissions officer. The law school representatives have probably heard every conceivable question many times while traveling to college campuses.
The best questions to ask are those that are truly most important to you. Think through your criteria for choosing a law school. There are many possibilities — job prospects upon graduation, size and reputation of the faculty, camaraderie within the student body, level of competition among students, curricular strengths, clinical programs, and others — but each student will rank these factors differently in terms of importance.
The following questions are offered as examples, but add some of your own as well.