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Top 20 Deadlines

Please keep in mind the following deadlines, assuming that you plan to attend a medical or professional school the year following graduation from Clark. You may find a checklist useful. The timing of when you do what will vary if you plan to delay your application until after graduating. The things you need to do will remain the same.

Timeline for Applying

Below is a more in-depth timeline of things to think about and things to do. It assumes that you intend to attend medical or professional school the year following graduation from Clark. Keep in mind that for some people, this may not be the best approach. In such cases, you still need to do the following, but the exact timetable will differ for each individual. Remember that a large percentage of many medical schools’ entering classes is comprised of students over the age of 25.

Contact Information

Prehealth Career Advising Program

Office Location
  • Arthur M. Sackler Sciences Center, S228
    950 Main Street
    Worcester, MA 01610

  • 1-508-793-7119
  • 1-508-793-7117
Office Hours
  • Monday through Friday
    8 a.m. – noon