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Support for Graduate Students in Clark Geography

The Edna Bailey Sussman Fund provides support to graduate students for summer, environment-related research opportunities. The support is limited to just a handful of select institutions: Clark University Graduate School of Geography, Yale University, Duke University, University of Michigan, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Colorado School of Mines, Scripps Institute of Oceanography at University of California at San Diego, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute.

Since the Edna Bailey Sussman Fund first invited Clark’s Graduate School of Geography to participate in this prestigious program in 2014, we have received nearly $320,000 to support 47 master’s and Ph.D. students who have received Edna Bailey Sussman Fund Graduate Research Fellowships.


The Edna Bailey Sussman Fund provides Graduate Research Fellowships to master’s and Ph.D. students in Clark’s Graduate School of Geography for environment-related (physical or human dimensions) research within the United States. Each fellowship recipient must be hosted by an off-campus, U.S.-based institution.

Financial support covers summer research, with each fellowship averaging around $6,000. This is calculated at $15 per hour, up to 35 hours per week, up to 14 weeks.

Doctoral Dissertation Writing Fellowship Awardees

Award Recipients

About the Edna Bailey Sussman Fund

The Edna Bailey Sussman Fund was established in 1984 in New York through a bequest from the estate of Margaret Sussman in memory of her mother, Edna Bailey Sussman. Margaret Sussman was a 1934 graduate of Smith College and a successful artist. Her father, Dr. Otto Sussman, was president and director of American Metal Company, the predecessor of AMAX Inc. Mrs. Otto Sussman (Edna Bailey Sussman) became interested in environmental issues and Navajo Indian relations. As a result, the Edna Bailey Sussman Fund sponsors research and internships that apply hard science to solving existing environmental problems.

Contact Information

Graduate School of Geography

If you have questions about applying for an Edna Bailey Sussman Fund Graduate Research Fellowship, contact:
  • Karen Frey
    Associate Professor, Associate Director
    Graduate School of Geography

Office Information
  • Clark University School of Geography
    950 Main Street | Worcester, MA 01610

  • 1-508-793-7336