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The alumni of Clark University’s Graduate School of Geography comprise a special community of learners, researchers, and problem-solvers, who tackle some of the most pressing issues facing our planet and its people. Our alumni are in every corner of the world, exploring the economic, political, and cultural interactions that connect and differentiate humanity, and shape our relationship with the natural environment. True to the spirit of our tight alumni community, Ph.D. students in geography relaunched The Monadnock Magazine in 2014.

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Paul Siple in arctic with mountains in background

Ph.D. Alumni

Our Ph.D. graduates move confidently around the world as part of an extended network of Clark scholars, addressing urgent global challenges, from climate change to abuses in the extraction industry. Clark Ph.D.s are leaders in academia, science, and policy, and stand among a legacy of pioneers, like Paul Siple, Ph.D. ’39, inventor of the wind chill factor, and Francis Lelo ’94, vice chancellor of Laikipia University in Kenya.

graduate in water way scooping up samples

Master’s Alumni

Alumni of our master’s degree programs have made their marks in a wide array of fields, with many of our former students deploying their GIS skills in the areas of disaster management and humanitarian assistance, environmental science, and global mapping.

girl standing in field with farm in background

Undergraduate Alumni

They write books. They teach. They work for government entities and nonprofits, or find their professional home in business and industry. Our geography alumni came from everywhere, and after graduation they go everywhere, fulfilling Clark’s motto to “change our world.”

Alumni Stories

'Remember the why'

Clark alumni share career advice with budding environmental scientists

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'One of the job requirements in wandering'

NPR Moscow correspondent Lucian Kim ’92 describes life as a journalist

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Remembering Clark’s impact

Alumnus donates $1M to Graduate School of Geography

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Contact Information

Graduate School of Geography

Office Location
  • Jefferson Academic Center, Room 220
    950 Main Street
    Worcester, MA 01610

  • 1-508-793-7336
  • 1-508-793-8881 fax