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News and Events

Geography Newsletter

The Graduate School of Geography releases two to three newsletters per year highlighting the previous semester and including announcements for upcoming months. The newsletters also feature news updates from departmental faculty, doctoral students, graduate students, undergraduate students, alumni, and staff.

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Faculty News

Faculty in the Graduate School of Geography are prolific scholars. They are called to serve on professional boards and commissions, they publish widely in peer-reviewed journals, and their research has been featured in the media and publications on and off campus. We regularly publicize our faculty’s accomplishments.

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Student News

The Graduate School of Geography is a tight-knit community, and we celebrate our students’ accomplishments and awards. We maintain a list of the most recent news and awards of our doctoral, master’s and undergraduate students.

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book coverThe Monadnock Magazine

The Clark University Geographical Society’s alumni magazine has a long history. First begun in 1927, it was relaunched by doctoral students in 2014 after a 30-year hiatus.

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It’s not noise — it’s a symphony

Geographer examines how sound amplifies ecological threats to North Coast

Clark names School of Climate, Environment, and Society dean

New programs address critical issues through experience-based learning

XPRIZE award honors work of Clark geographer, research team

International collaborators answered call of global rainforest competition

The big thirst

Researchers help drought-stricken Mexico City focus on a greener future

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