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Clark Geography Top-Ranked in the United States

national research council logoClark’s Graduate School of Geography is top-ranked in the most recent ranking by the National Research Council, which was established in 1916 under the National Academy of Sciences.

On April 21, 2011, the National Research Council updated the findings of its “Data-Based Assessment of Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States”; the initial version was published in September 2010. The 2011 update recalculated the so-called “R” and “S” rankings, each through two different methods.

As a result, Clark’s Graduate School of Geography now ties as No. 1 among U.S. geography programs on the primary calculation of the R ranking. (Clark Geography’s rankings are summarized below, where a brief explanation of the R and S rankings can also be found.)

Furthermore, among the 49 geography programs assessed, Clark is one of a smaller number of departments that sustains a balanced program of research and doctoral education across the full breadth of the discipline — indeed we are committed to maintaining and integrating across this breadth.

Clark’s Graduate School of Geography also is the only Top 10 doctoral department that is located within a liberal arts-based, student-contact-intensive research university. We fall among the top three departments for number of Ph.D.s granted each year, for the percentage of doctoral students with external funding, and for international diversity of graduate students.

All of our doctoral students receive full funding (tuition and stipend) on acceptance, and upon graduating, they have been consistently successful in occupying both academic and senior policy and applied professional positions — this is a balance that we take seriously.

Since the 2006 census date for the NRC assessment, our successes in securing research grants and in placing our graduate students have improved yet further, and our doctoral students now receive health insurance.

NRC Rankings Q&A

Why does Clark University’s Ph.D. in geography program rank so high?