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Undergraduate Program

undergraduate program students

Your Entrepreneurial Journey is Yours!

The Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program is founded on the principle of taking charge of your entrepreneurial goals. Our mission is to tailor support to meet you at your current stage in your entrepreneurial and innovative journey. Whether your project is still in the conceptual phase, or you’ve already established a business or venture,  we are here to help! We focus on you! We do this by providing you with tools, skills, and resources for sustained growth and advancement in your entrepreneurial endeavor.

Clark entrepreneurs are not usually business majors; however, the E&I program is part of the AACSB-accredited Clark School of Business which ensures that aspiring Clark entrepreneurs have access and guidance to the necessary resources and essential skills of venture management, such as marketing, finance, data analytics, and management, so they can focus on what they do best – innovating!

For more information about the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program or the Clark School of Business please contact


Minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

To complete a minor in entrepreneurship and innovation, you will need to complete six courses with a 2.0 GPA or better – there are two required courses, ENT115 Entrepreneurship and MGMT100, and four electives.

The Clark Entrepreneurship and Innovation minor development team remains up-to-date on entrepreneurial trends and the evolving needs of young entrepreneurs. They continuously enhance elective offerings with specialized topic courses curated by industry experts, ensuring students are equipped for their unique entrepreneurial endeavors.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Courses

Specialized Support for Clark Entrepreneurs from the Clark School of Business Dean, Dr. David Jordan

On behalf of our entire team of faculty and staff throughout the School of Business, I want to welcome you. The study of “business” and its many aspects has never been as exciting as it is today. The three sectors of any economy — the public sector (government), the citizen sector (society), and the business sector are seemingly merging to address the many issues facing our world today. Our environment, wealth disparity, racial inequities, food security, and the many issues identified in the ‘Principles for Responsible Management Education’ by global business leaders (United Nations Global Compact) are concerns that business students and seasoned corporate leaders throughout our world are now grappling with. How do we advance our economic health and wealth — both personally and collectively — while simultaneously advancing sustainably responsible business practices on a local, national, and global scale? This is a question schools around the globe are asking today and is a focus of the ever-evolving curricula offered here at the Clark University School of Management.

The World Economic Forum recently cited ‘5 Essential Skills of the Future’ that are musts for all students, and in particular for business study scholars. They include:

  • Creativity: the ability to solve meaningful problems in new ways and to think imaginatively across disciplines.
  • Digital Skills: the ability to Master new forms of digital technologies, especially algorithm design and data handling.
  • Collaboration: the ability to work with others and perform complex tasks and adjust your actions to other people’s needs.
  • Global Citizenship: A universal respect for people from other cultures and backgrounds and the willingness to embrace diversity, equality, and inclusion, and
  • Environmental Stewardship: to be able to understand the fragility and finiteness of our natural ecosystems and how we can interact with them in sustainable ways. (World Economic Forum, 2023).

It is my fervent hope that as you join and become part of our business community you’ll reflect upon these ‘essential skills’ and consider how each may have relevance to the various classes of study you engage in with your professors. Our covenant to you is this: to offer you the finest business education available in the world today, incorporating the academic rigor you expect, along with the essential skills noted which will set you apart as a magnificent business leader of tomorrow.

I look forward to meeting you.


David A. Jordan, DHA, MPA
Dean, School of Business
Social Entrepreneur-in-Residence

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Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program

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