Sang Hoo Bae
Sang Hoo Bae’s research and teaching focus on industrial organization, microeconomic theory, game theory, and econometrics.
Our students’ scholarship is fostered by our faculty whose impactful research has been recognized worldwide through:
Sang Hoo Bae’s research and teaching focus on industrial organization, microeconomic theory, game theory, and econometrics.
Sang Hoo Bae’s research and teaching focus on industrial organization, microeconomic theory, game theory, and econometrics.
Suprabha Baniy’s research interests focus on the effects of timeliness on the international trade pattern in the presence of global production linkages, using both econometric and computable general equilibrium analysis. Her findings have important policy implications for boosting developing countries’ participation in higher value-added and time-sensitive industries, and she currently is pursuing additional research on international trade and economic geography for developing and emerging markets.
Suprabha Baniy’s research interests focus on the effects of timeliness on the international trade pattern in the presence of global production linkages, using both econometric and computable general equilibrium analysis. Her findings have important policy implications for boosting developing countries’ participation in higher value-added and time-sensitive industries, and she currently is pursuing additional research on international trade and economic geography for developing and emerging markets.
John C. Brown is an urban economist and economic historian with research interests in contemporary issues of midsize, older industrial cities, international trade, and historical demography (fertility and mortality). He teaches courses in urban economics, the history of the world economy, principles, and statistics.
John C. Brown is an urban economist and economic historian with research interests in contemporary issues of midsize, older industrial cities, international trade, and historical demography (fertility and mortality). He teaches courses in urban economics, the history of the world economy, principles, and statistics.
David Cuberes’ research focuses on urban economics and economic growth and development, with an emphasis on topics related to population.
David Cuberes’ research focuses on urban economics and economic growth and development, with an emphasis on topics related to population.
Jacqueline Geoghegan grapples with the economic forces behind land use change, whether urban sprawl in the Chesapeake basin or deforestation in the Yucatan. She is a leader in using spatially specific data (GIS), from satellite imagery and other sources, to understand these issues. Her research has been published in journals such as Agricultural Economics, International Regional Science Review, and Land Use Policy, as well as in research monographs.
Jacqueline Geoghegan grapples with the economic forces behind land use change, whether urban sprawl in the Chesapeake basin or deforestation in the Yucatan. She is a leader in using spatially specific data (GIS), from satellite imagery and other sources, to understand these issues. Her research has been published in journals such as Agricultural Economics, International Regional Science Review, and Land Use Policy, as well as in research monographs.
Wayne Gray investigates how much government regulation influences productivity. His study of the impact of Environmental Protection Agency regulations on the productivity of the United States paper industry is based on a comprehensive data set he developed from firm-level data. His research has been published in the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, the Journal of Industrial Economics and in his 2003 monograph, “The Economic Costs and Consequences of Environmental Regulation.”
Wayne Gray investigates how much government regulation influences productivity. His study of the impact of Environmental Protection Agency regulations on the productivity of the United States paper industry is based on a comprehensive data set he developed from firm-level data. His research has been published in the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, the Journal of Industrial Economics and in his 2003 monograph, “The Economic Costs and Consequences of Environmental Regulation.”
Robert Johnston’s research interests include economic valuation, benefit transfer, and ecosystem services, with an emphasis on aquatic, riparian, and coastal systems. His recent work has focused on the economics of coastal vulnerability and adaptation, and the coordination of economic and ecological models to value aquatic, riparian, and coastal ecosystem services. In addition to his grant-funded research, he works closely with international organizations, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations to assist in the use of economic information to guide environmental and natural resource decisions. He also serves as the director of the George Perkins Marsh Institute.
Robert Johnston’s research interests include economic valuation, benefit transfer, and ecosystem services, with an emphasis on aquatic, riparian, and coastal systems. His recent work has focused on the economics of coastal vulnerability and adaptation, and the coordination of economic and ecological models to value aquatic, riparian, and coastal ecosystem services. In addition to his grant-funded research, he works closely with international organizations, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations to assist in the use of economic information to guide environmental and natural resource decisions. He also serves as the director of the George Perkins Marsh Institute.
Magda Tsaneva’s research examines how low-income people make decisions, and how these decisions impact their lives. Her work so far has examined how preferences and constraints affect household investments in health and education in developing countries. Her current research focuses on skill accumulation at school and at work; she also is interested in issues related to mental health and the economics of hope.
Magda Tsaneva’s research examines how low-income people make decisions, and how these decisions impact their lives. Her work so far has examined how preferences and constraints affect household investments in health and education in developing countries. Her current research focuses on skill accumulation at school and at work; she also is interested in issues related to mental health and the economics of hope.
Edouard Wemy’s research interests are in macroeconomics and time series, with applications in business cycles and total factor productivity and an emphasis on the importance of technological progress embodied in capital equipment.
Edouard Wemy’s research interests are in macroeconomics and time series, with applications in business cycles and total factor productivity and an emphasis on the importance of technological progress embodied in capital equipment.
Junfu Zhang specializes in applied microeconomics, with a focus on urban and regional economics. His research interests include urbanization in China, regional economic development, entrepreneurship and job creation, and racial housing segregation.
Junfu Zhang specializes in applied microeconomics, with a focus on urban and regional economics. His research interests include urbanization in China, regional economic development, entrepreneurship and job creation, and racial housing segregation.
Jonas Clark Hall, Room 124
950 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01610
Computer Lab
Graduate Lounge
Sang Hoo Bae’s research and teaching focus on industrial organization, microeconomic theory, game theory, and econometrics.
Suprabha Baniy’s research interests focus on the effects of timeliness on the international trade pattern in the presence of global production linkages, using both econometric and computable general equilibrium analysis. Her findings have important policy implications for boosting developing countries’ participation in higher value-added and time-sensitive industries, and she currently is pursuing additional research on international trade and economic geography for developing and emerging markets.
John C. Brown is an urban economist and economic historian with research interests in contemporary issues of midsize, older industrial cities, international trade, and historical demography (fertility and mortality). He teaches courses in urban economics, the history of the world economy, principles, and statistics.
David Cuberes’ research focuses on urban economics and economic growth and development, with an emphasis on topics related to population.
Jacqueline Geoghegan grapples with the economic forces behind land use change, whether urban sprawl in the Chesapeake basin or deforestation in the Yucatan. She is a leader in using spatially specific data (GIS), from satellite imagery and other sources, to understand these issues. Her research has been published in journals such as Agricultural Economics, International Regional Science Review, and Land Use Policy, as well as in research monographs.
Wayne Gray investigates how much government regulation influences productivity. His study of the impact of Environmental Protection Agency regulations on the productivity of the United States paper industry is based on a comprehensive data set he developed from firm-level data. His research has been published in the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, the Journal of Industrial Economics and in his 2003 monograph, “The Economic Costs and Consequences of Environmental Regulation.”
Robert Johnston’s research interests include economic valuation, benefit transfer, and ecosystem services, with an emphasis on aquatic, riparian, and coastal systems. His recent work has focused on the economics of coastal vulnerability and adaptation, and the coordination of economic and ecological models to value aquatic, riparian, and coastal ecosystem services. In addition to his grant-funded research, he works closely with international organizations, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations to assist in the use of economic information to guide environmental and natural resource decisions. He also serves as the director of the George Perkins Marsh Institute.
Magda Tsaneva’s research examines how low-income people make decisions, and how these decisions impact their lives. Her work so far has examined how preferences and constraints affect household investments in health and education in developing countries. Her current research focuses on skill accumulation at school and at work; she also is interested in issues related to mental health and the economics of hope.
Edouard Wemy’s research interests are in macroeconomics and time series, with applications in business cycles and total factor productivity and an emphasis on the importance of technological progress embodied in capital equipment.
Junfu Zhang specializes in applied microeconomics, with a focus on urban and regional economics. His research interests include urbanization in China, regional economic development, entrepreneurship and job creation, and racial housing segregation.