Economics, computer science double-major shapes career path
Economics majors graduate with skills that are highly valued by employers in a range of careers, including finance, business, education, nonprofit management, and government.
Economics majors graduate with skills that are highly valued by employers in a range of careers, including finance, business, education, nonprofit management, and government.
Clark’s Career Connections Center can help you develop a plan for pursuing your career goals. Also check out ClarkCONNECT, which links you with alumni mentors and employers, and Handshake, Clark’s online job search website.
Interested in pursuing an internship, research, or creative project but wondering how you’ll pay rent? Apply for Clark funding to support your experience during the school year or summer. Visit the Career Connections Center in the Shaich Family Alumni and Student Engagement Center (ASEC).
Jonas Clark Hall, Room 124
950 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01610
Computer Lab
Graduate Lounge