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Introducing the Department of Sustainability and Social Justice at Clark University.

The Department of Sustainability and Social Justice represents a reimagining of IDCE, which was established at Clark 25 years ago — with a transformed curriculum and continued partnerships in Worcester along with Global Learning Collaboratives, which will allow students to pursue learning opportunities from Latin America to Africa, Asia, and Europe.

Students will focus on interconnected issues including climate change adaptation, forced migration and human rights, gender equality, youth wellbeing, food justice, global health, and access to quality education and affordable housing.

“I see this as an opportunity to deepen and amplify what we always have done best: provide opportunities for students to work with faculty and to partner with communities on projects that matter. That remains the core mission and spirit of our department,” says Laurie Ross ’91, M.A. ’95, the new department’s director.

See link in bio to learn more about the department and explore the new curriculum at