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Deborah Woodcock

Deborah Woodcock

Research Fellow

The George Perkins Marsh Institute
Clark University
Worcester, MA 01610-1477

Phone:  1-508-751-4608
Fax:  1-508-751-4600

Email Deborah

Current Research Interests

Dr. Woodcock’s research deals with development of fossil wood as a climate proxy, the anatomical determinants of wood specific gravity, and topics in forest ecology & environmental history. One long-term project is the study of a 39-million-year-old fossil site in northern Peru  in conjunction with researchers at the US Park Service, the Museo de Historia Natural in Lima, and INGEMMET (the Peru Institute for Geology, Mining, and Metallurgy). Another collaborative project involving Clark faculty and students is a study of human modifications to the glacial landforms of Central Massachusetts.

Selected Publications

Woodcock, D. W., J. Rogan, and S. D. Blanchard. 2012. Accelerating Anthropogenic Land Surface Change and the status of Pleistocene drumlins in New England. PLoS ONE 7 (10): 1-8. (pdf copy)

Martínez-Cabrera, H., E. Estrada-Ruiz, C. Castañeda-Posadas, and D. Woodcock. 2012. Wood specific gravity estimation based on wood anatomical traits of key ecological characteristics in fossil assemblages. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology187: 1-10.

Woodcock, D. W., H. W. Meyer, and I. Prado Velazco. in revision. Paleoenvironmental analysis of the Piedra Chamana fossil woods and leaves (late Middle Eocene, Peru).

Blanchard, S. D., J. Rogan, and D. W. Woodcock. 2010. Geomorphic Change Analysis using ASTER and SRTM Digital Elevation Models in Central Massachusetts, USA. GIScience & Remote Sensing 47 (1): 1-24.

Aragon-Carrasco, S. and D. W. Woodcock. 2010. Plant community structure and conservation of a northern Peru sclerophyllous forest. Biotropica 42: 262-270.

Woodcock, D.W., H. Meyer, N. Dunbar, W. McIntosh, I. Prado and G. Morales. 2009. Geologic and taphonomic context of El Bosque Petrificado Piedra Chamana (Cajamarca, Peru)Geological Society of America Bulletin 121: 172-178.

Aragon-Carrasco, S., L. Rimarchin, J. Ayasta and D. Woodcock. 2006. Inventario preliminar de la flora del Distrito de Sexi, Cajamarca (Preliminary inventory of the flora of the District of Sexi, Cajamarca.) Arnaldoa 13: 358-367.

Woodcock, D. 2003. To restore the watersheds: Early 20th Century tree planting in Hawaii. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 93: 624-635.

Woodcock, D., and A. Shier. 2003. Does canopy position affect wood specific gravity in temperate forest trees? Annals of Botany 91: 529-537.

Woodcock, D., and A. Shier. 2002. Wood specific gravity and its radial variations: The many ways to make a tree. Trees: Structure and Function 16: 432-443.