Aaron M. Grade, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Researcher
The George Perkins Marsh Institute
Clark University
Worcester, MA 01610-1477
Current Research Interests
Aaron Grade’s research resides at the intersection of conservation, animal behavior and communication, landscape ecology, and community ecology. He wants to know how wildlife responds to a changing landscape and human management, and how these responses are mediated by community interactions and the use of personal and social information. Utilizing experimental, comparative and modeling approaches, we can develop an understanding of the patterns and processes that underlie wildlife response to landscape change. He is currently working with Dr. Rinku Roy Chowdhury as a postdoctoral researcher on the NSF American Residential Macrosystems project, and is investigating the institutional, social, and ecological drivers of residential yard management from the parcel to the continental scale.
Selected Publications
Lerman, S.B., D.L. Narango, R. Andrade, P.S. Warren, A.M. Grade, and K.M. Straley. In press. Wildlife in the city: human drivers and human consequences in P. Barbosa, editor. Urban ecology – Its nature and challenges.
Grade, A.M., S.B. Lerman, and P.S. Warren. In review. Perilous choices: landscapes of fear for adult birds reduces nestling condition across an urban gradient. Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences.
Kerstens, M., A.M. Grade, and P.S. Warren. 2019. Is “pishing” tantamount to mobbing? Black-capped Chickadees respond similarly to human pishing and conspecific mobbing calls in rural and suburban forests. Northeastern Naturalist 26(3): 580-592.
Grade, A.M., and K.E. Sieving. 2016. When the birds go unheard: Highway noise disrupts information transfer between bird species. Biology Letters 12: 20160113.