Accession Number: 2022.
Stamp: 1936 Otto von Bismarck, Deutsches Reich, 6 Pfennig (dark green)
Berlin Staatstreffen Mussolini-hitler, 25.-29. 9.1937
Berlin State Meeting of Mussolini and Hitler, September 25th-29th, 1937
Historical background:
It was the goal of the Nazi regime to project robust unity with Mussolini’s Fascist regime. The image of the camaraderie between the two ex-corporals who had risen from humble origins to the top of government was a Fascist and Nazi strategy to appeal to the masses and make the Italo-German alliance appear distinct from the Franco-British coalition, which was made out to be held together by the machinations of secretive and elitist diplomats (Goeschel, 2018).
Goeschel, C. (2018). Mussolini and Hitler: The Forging of the Fascist Alliance. Yale University Press.