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Barry Hoffman Nazi Postcard Collection

Mounted Telephone Crew

Accession Number: 2022.

Stamp: 1936 Otto von Bismarck, Deutsches Reich, 6 Pfennig (dark green)

Historical background: 

Contrary to the popular image of Nazi Germany as a highly mechanized, front of technologically advanced military power, horses served as a huge proportion of Germany’s motive power. The majority of horses were used for supply and communication. The Wehrmacht did keep a calvary, but to a small extent; throughout the war, cavalry numbers ranged between one and six brigades. The reliance on horses proved a logistical struggle; each day, war horses consumed 53 tons of food. The army was so reliant on these horses that starving German soldiers were tried for stealing feed oats. The horses suffered in the cold, requiring additional resources to keep them alive through the winter. They died on the battlefield in numbers up to 1,000 each day. Nazi propaganda efforts intentionally downplayed the role of horses in order to maintain the public perception of Nazi troops as a mechanized blitzkrieg.

German horse cavalry and transport. Intelligence Bulletin, March 1946.
McFarland, K. V. (2021). Warhorses Amongst War Machines: The German Army’s Use of Horses and Cavalry During World War II. Senior Theses. 405.
Perry, J. (2014). Horses & The Mechanized Myth of the Eastern Front. Military Heritage, 15(6).


2022. Front


2022. Back


A photograph of two German soldiers on horseback. The caption, “berittener Fernsprechtrupp,” means “mounted telephone crew.”


Herrn Hauptmann Dr E. Alt
bei Herrn Dr. Christiansen
Karlsruhe i. ß.
Welfenstraße 7

Schwabach, den 29. 7. 38

Sehr geehrter Herr Hauptmann!
Ich danke Herrn Hauptmann bestens für die Kartengrüße, an Abt-. I. [Abteilung 1]. Es freut mich sehr, das Herr Hauptm. so ein herlichen Wetter erwischt hat, da es doch bisher so unbeständig war das ganze Jahr über. Bei uns gibt es nichts Neues. Leda wird von Schultheiß jeden Tag geritten oder bewegt. Der “SA Mau” würde letzten Donnerstag nicht abgegeben. Für die restlichen Urlaubstage wünsche ich Herrn Hauptmann weiterhin schönes bade-wetter und verbleibe mit Heil Hitler Herrn Hauptmann ergebener Jedelnauser.

Schwabach, on July 29th, 1938

Dear Mr. Hauptmann!
My great thanks to you for the postcard to Unit 1. I am so pleased that you caught such delightful weather, since it’s been so fitful all year. There is no news by us. Unfortunately Schultheiß is just making us ride or move every day. The “SA Mau” did not get delivered last Thursday. I wish you nice bathing-weather for the rest of your vacation. Regards and Heil Hitler, your devoted Jedelhauser.