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Barry Hoffman Nazi Postcard Collection

Mussolini Signing Autograph

Accession Number: 2022.

Stamp: 1936 Otto von Bismarck, Deutsches Reich, 6 Pfennig (dark green)


Berlin Staatstreffen Mussolini-hitler, 25.-29. 9.1937
Berlin State Meeting of Mussolini and Hitler, September 25th-29th, 1937

Historical background:

It was the goal of the Nazi regime to project robust unity with Mussolini’s Fascist regime. The image of the camaraderie between the two ex-corporals who had risen from humble origins to the top of government was a Fascist and Nazi strategy to appeal to the masses and make the Italo-German alliance appear distinct from the Franco-British coalition, which was made out to be held together by the machinations of secretive and elitist diplomats (Goeschel, 2018).

Goeschel, C. (2018). Mussolini and Hitler: The Forging of the Fascist Alliance. Yale University Press.


2022. Front


2022. Back


A photograph of Benito Mussolini leaning out of a car to sign an autograph for a young boy.


An Willi Köhler
München H. Postamt
Postfach B111zk

Kamerad Köhler habe Befehl ausgeführt. Planung im gauge, Lagerführer Roland hat schon alles in die Wege geleidet. Treffen uns ja im Lager. Heil Hitler
Heil Hitler
Roman Strasser
L. 4. s. 26/19 Abt. [Abteilung] S.

To Willi Köhler
Assault Unit Leader
Munich Post Office
Mailbox B111zk

Comrade Köhler, I carried out the orders. Planning is underway, camp leader Roland has already arranged everything. We’ll meet in the camp.
Heil Hitler
Roman Strasser
L. 4. s. 26/19, Division S.