Accession Number: 2022.02.8.69
Stamp: N/A (unsent)
Designer: Adolf Munser
Historical background: Despite the intent to oppress and murder Europeans with disabilities, Nazi Germany created robust support systems for its own disabled war veterans. The Nazis expanded the existing veteran pension program, increasing labor pathways and outlining a future retirement plan for the disabled. Postcards (such as this) and other literature encouraging financial support commonly circulated amongst civilians.
Barry Hoffman Nazi Postcard Collection
Nazi Veteran Disability Fundraiser
Central lower text reads “Ludendorff=Spende für Kriegsversehrte,” meaning “Donate to War Disabled.” Top left reads “Wir alle wollen helfen,” meaning “We all want to help.” The image depicts a veteran missing an arm, holding an axe to indicate his entry back into the workforce. Directly behind him a cherub hovers, representing the Nazi regime’s oversight. In the distance are dozens of arms reaching out in support.
Left-hand text box framed by a green border reads “Ludendorff-Evende für Kriegsversehrte,” promoting local support for the war disabled. The central dividing line reads “Kunsterpostkarte nr.3 von Prof. Adolf Munser, Düsseldorf,” indicating the print’s designer.
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